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You walked to school with
a pastel coloured umbrella in your hand.

It was raining again.

The weather really had
something against sunny days, didn't it?

You had gotten off the train.

Today, you had headphones on. The song 'Beautiful' from the broadway hit, Heathers, was playing. You quietly hummed to the tune while admiring the beauty of the rain.

Once you reached U.A Academy, you made your way to the general studies department. You got into your classroom, Class 1-C, took your headphones out and placed them inside your desk.

You sat down at your seat as there was a group of people right next to you talking.

You overheard their conversation.

"Have you heard of the hero killer stain?"

"Yeah! I heard he kicked the Turbo Hero Ingenium's ass a few days ago."

"I know right! I was super pissed when I found out
cause he's, like, my favourite hero ever!"

"Aww, poor dude."

"I know right? Apparently he kicked Ingenium ass
so bad that Ingenium's actually hospitalised right now."

"Really? That's sad."

"There's been some rumours in Class 1B that Ingenium's younger brother is in Class 1A."

"Of course he would be. He's the younger brother of  a successful pro hero!"

"That's totally true. Do you know his name?"

"Class 1B says it's the Emergency Exit dude from the U.A break in."

You internally gasped to yourself,
but externally your eyes just widened.

'This is...this is why Iida looked so scruffy! And, and, and why he was going to the hospital! And why he wanted to organise his thoughts!' 
You screamed in your head as a million relizations hit you altogether like a big ol' truck.

"Oh that makes sense, he's definitely pro hero material."
Someone else replied.

"Of course he is. They all are!
We're just here to make them look good."

At that moment one of your classmates from the group noticed your presence and greeted you.

"Oh hey _____, good morning!"

You snapped out of you trance
and looked at him too rapidly.

"Good morning."
You waved.

"Have you heard of the hero killer? The whole class is talking about it."

"Not really, you know me."
You sighed.
"I don't pay much attention to the 'hero villain extravaganza' news. I'm all musical theatre."

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