C.4 "Shall we? Tenya Iida?"

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"I was actually heading towards the park."
Iida nervously said rubbing his nape.

It was currently raining. You and Iida were both outside a convenience store with the only thing keeping you guys dry being one tiny sidewalk shade.

"Were you planning to meet someone?"
You asked.

"No, I wanted to go to a quiet area to organise my thoughts."
Iida answered.

"Oh...uhh...do you want me to follow you? Organising your thoughts sounds like you got a lot going on
a-and I don't wanna make you more stressed-"
You babbled.

"No. It's perfectly fine,"
Iida said, cutting you off with a warm smile.
"I would enjoy you're company."

You whispered with a smile slowly forming on your face, pushing your glasses up.

You then held your umbrella out and opened it, holding it up vertically and glimpsed At Iida.

"You coming?"

"I'm right behind you."

You were pretty tall for a girl, there was an assumably 4 inch difference between your and Iida'a height.
Of course, Iida was the taller one.

"You lead the way."
You tilted your head slightly.

"Oh! Do you not have any errands to attend to or run?"
Iida asked before you both walked in the rain.
"Because I'll be quite...quite silent for most of the journey, and it may take some time."

You then heard Iida quietly mumble to himself,
"I'm an idiot, I should've asked her that before I invited her..."

"This should be fine, right now I would probably be at home eating my chocolate bars and reading a book, but that's what I do most of the time. I've never gone for a walk in the rain with someone before, this is new so it should be fun."
You shrugged, smiling.

"Also, you're not an idiot."
You bluntly added in.

Iida looked at you in surprise but chuckled lightly.

"Alright then, let's not waste any time and head towards the park!"
He exclaimed, waving his hand up and down.

"Sure. By the way which park are we headed towards?"


You and Iida were both waking side by side under and umbrella together. Normally these kind of situations would get both of you flustered, but as of now?


Iida had a million thoughts racing in his head about Tensei, the hero killer and so on.

You had your earphones in your ears again; you were thinking about which song you were gonna sing at your next karaoke session with Fuji and your other friends.

Both of you were oblivious to this situation others would call romantic.

You then glimpsed at Iida to see him and his blank face. Suddenly a thought came up in your head.

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