Thirty Six

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Tyler surprises me by entering our bedroom. I didn't even hear him come home. I most have been too deep in my thoughts to notice him open the door downstairs.

"Tyler! Hi! Welcome home!!" I exclaim, trying to mask my terror.

"Hi?" He asks with a chuckle. He snakes his arms around my waist and pulls me in for a kiss. "Why do you seem so eager? Did you miss me that much?" I pull away from him and sit on the bed.

He leans down and kisses me again.

"I want your opinion on something

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"I want your opinion on something." I change topics quickly. I don't want to talk about what happened between me and Logan. I am still processing it anyways.

"Sure, whats up?" He asks, standing up straight and pulls his shirt off to change out of his uniform.


Now I actually have to think of something to distract him from my day.

"I was thinking of dying my hair pink." I come up with the idea randomly. I shrug. That just might be crazy enough to distract him.

At least it will for now, I hope.

"Pink?" He asks, cocking his head to the side. It is clear that he is confused about where I came up with that crazy idea.

Well, so am I Tyler. So am I.

"Why?" He asks, puzzled.

I shrug. Shit shit shit. Now I need to back up my idea? Damn. "I need something different." I shrug again. "It won't be permanent obviously. It will fade and grow out eventually. I'll be all back to normal before the wedding of course. So you won't have to worry about that."

Tyler nods, a smile slowly forming on his face. "It's your body. You can dye your hair whatever color you want I guess."

"Great. I'm going to go do that now then. Bye!!" I spring out of the bed, eager to get out of here.

"Wait!" Tyler calls out for me, grabbing on to my arm and pulling me back in to the room. He stares at me, his eyes piercing into the back of mine. "Why do I feel like you are avoiding me?"

"I'm not avoiding you." I lie.

Tyler releases my arm and steps away from me. "You just seem so eager to get out of here. Don't you want to hang out with me!"

"I hang out with you every day. Today I just want to do something different." I continue the lie.

"Well, sit down and have a conversation with me before you go at least." I sit down on the bed and stare at him. "How was your day?" He asks, sitting beside me.

"Uneventful. Boring. Bland. I did absolutely nothing. Good talk. Okay bye!" I speak fast, barely even breathing in between my words. I jump off the bed and run down the hall.

"Bye I guess. I'll see you later?" Tyler asks, shouting down the hall after me.

"Sure!" I quickly gather my things. With my car keys in my hand, I rush out the door. I sit in the driver's seat and grip on to the steering wheel tightly.

What have I gotten myself into? Now I've talked so much about dying my hair and using it to avoid talking to my fiancé about my infidelity, I actually have to go to the store and get some damn hair dye.

I drive myself to the closest store and roam the aisles for the dye. Locating it, I find a suitable shade of pink to live with for the next few weeks and bring it up to the cashier. "Pink, huh?" The awkward teenager asks, trying to make conversation. I fake a smile and hand him the money.

I am ashamed that I am going to these lengths to avoid telling Tyler what happened today.

It still hasn't really even sunk in for me. I cheated. I cheated on my fiancé.

I am dreading going home and having to sit down to have a real, adult conversation with him about what happened.

But I have to.

I can't avoid Tyler forever.

Author's note: do you think it is healthy for Avery to hide what happened to her?

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