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I cried myself to sleep last night. Thinking about breaking up with Tyler and ending everything we've ever had, has really taken an emotional toll on me. But, despite the pain and the hurt, I know it'll be good for me in the long run.

Despite the overwhelming urge to lay in bed all day and never get up again, I need to.

If not for myself, for everyone else.

I stand and peek through the blinds in my bedroom window, something I do every morning. Upon observation, I can immediately see that the officer positioned outside of our home is not there anymore.

Does this mean my father is back in prison?

I unplug my phone and find a text message from Josh.

From: Officer Meenan
Had to pull the officer away for a few hours big lead on your father. He will be back in prison soon. In the meantime, don't leave the house. Hope all is well.

I throw my phone onto my bed and start to get ready for the day. Not caring at all for my appearance, I just throw on something comfortable.

Downstairs, a loud smash alerts me

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Downstairs, a loud smash alerts me. The kids must be wrestling and knocked into the table, knocking down a vase of flowers.

I grab a book from my shelf and carry it into The Kid's' rooms. Once I wake them all up, I am going to take the book on the back deck and read it. It'll be nice to get some fresh air for once.

I wake everyone up despite their protests and get them all moving for the day. I'm going to try to make today a good day for everyone, even myself. I am determined to make myself get better.

What better way to do that than to spend time with family?

I walk downstairs and turn the corner. I stand in the hallway like a deer in headlights as I am faced with the image of my father standing over Leigh with a large, bloody machete in his hands. He stares at me, stunned as well.

He charges at me. My natural reaction is to scream. He shoves himself into me, knocking my body and head backwards into the heavy, metal door behind me.

The pain is immeasurable as I slide down the cold metal. I land on the floor, grasping at the tiles to ease my pain.

He stares at his results and runs up the stairs past me

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He stares at his results and runs up the stairs past me. He has moved on to bigger things than killing a helpless pregnant woman I guess.

I try to stand myself up despite the throbbing pain in my head and back. The room spins around me as I fight to crawl my way towards Leigh.

She lays across the kitchen floor surrounded by a pool of her own blood. My fingers brush up against her skin as I try to locate a pulse. She needs my help.

There is no doubt in my mind that she is already dead. The lack of my ability to find her pulse and giant machete wound in her neck already tell me everything I need to know.

I scream out for help, hoping Logan and Peter are in the basement or close by and aren't at the store or someplace far away.

After a few seconds, I think of the worst case scenario when neither of them respond: they are both already dead too.

Please don't let it be true. Please. Please.

Upstairs, a chorus of young kids scream for help. I push myself up onto my feet and cling to the walls. Those kids need my help and I'll be damned if I don't give it to them.

I crawl up the stairs, taking it one step at a time. Once I am at the top, I stand firmly on my feet, using the wall behind me for balance as my head continues to spin violently.

My father tries to get down the hallway with Tilly and Mason in his arms as he drags Kara behind him on his leg. She clings to his leg in an attempt to stop him from being able to walk and leave the hose with her siblings.

My little warrior.

"Don't do this." I alert him of my presence, blocking his access to the stairs. His head shoots up and he makes eye contact with me.

"You and I both know that I don't have a choice."

"Please dad. Just leave. Put the kids down and leave. I won't tell anyone you were here." I beg him with lies. Of course I am going to call the police. But I will say anything right now to save all of these kids' lives.

He looks at me with regret in his eyes. "Just get this little brat off my leg and I'll be out of your hair forever."

"I can't do that dad. I am not going to let you take them." I stand my ground even though I am pretty sure a small gust of wind would be enough to knock me over right now.

"I've got a gun in my pocket Avery. Don't make me kill her. You know I'll do it." He warns ms, his hands shaking as Tilly and Mason struggle against his tight grasp.

"You and I both know you've got the drop the kids to get the gun if that's true." I call his bluff, hoping that holding on to Tilly and Mason is more important to him than getting the gun.

"I see your point. But once I have it in my hands, I could just turn around and kill everyone as they run. Then what?" He asks me, calling my bluff in return. We both have each other at a stalemate.

He's not going to give up and neither am I.

"Kara, baby. You need to let go of his legs and go hide in your room." I beg her, knowing that my father will kill her if he has the chance.

"He's going to take them!" She cries.

I nod my head. "He's going to kill you Kara. Please let go." I continue to beg.

"No! Let him kill me!" She screams, grabbing on tighter.

"So be it." My father shrugs and throws Tilly.

I rush at him, feeling as though my feet can't move fast enough under me as he reaches for his pocket. Tilly screams and runs towards me, hoping for comfort.

"NO!" I shout and leap for him, hoping to stop him before he is able to reach his pocket.


Author's note: well? What do you think?do you hate me yet? I wouldn't be surprised if you did.

Don't worry though... it'll get worse before it gets better.


Question! Do you think he shot her?

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