Thirty Four

140 5 4

*trigger warning:
Graphic scenes ahead!

I down yet another glass of wine and smack the glass against the table in order to fill it again. Being at home with none of the kids is boring. I feel like all I can do is drink to pass the time.

The kids are at school, Peter and Tyler are off working

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The kids are at school, Peter and Tyler are off working. The house is quiet and I don't like it.

It's just me and Logan sitting here in the family room drinking an unhealthy amount of alcohol.

I can't remember the last time I was this bored.

Is this what normal feels like? Boring?

I throw myself back on the couch, spilling my glass all over myself. Great. I totally just ruined my clothes and the couch.

Logan stands and rushes for a towel. He returns quickly and hands one to me while talking the other to help me clean up my spill.

I pull my shirt off with the intention of throwing it in the wash before it gets too badly stained.

Logan leans forward, moving even closer to me. I can feel his hot breath pressing up against my bare skin. A chill runs up my spine as he looks into my eyes. Leaning forward, he smashes his lips against mine.

Missing the feeling of his soft lips on mine, I grab his chin and pull him back in for another kiss, this one much longer than the last.

His hands brush up against my bare torso as they make their way up to my bra. My hand smacks his, pinning it to my chest.

This feels wrong but it also feels so right.

His teeth bite my bottom lip, pulling on it as the alcohol courses through our veins.

His eyes burn with desire as he caresses my chin softly

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His eyes burn with desire as he caresses my chin softly. He follows the movement of my hands down his body and watches my fingers as they drum softly against his stomach and continue to move lower.

He groans softly, placing his hands on top of mine. "This is wrong." I whisper as he sneaks his hand up my skirt. I pull him closer to me.

"Yet you don't seem to want to stop." Logan's hot breath swirls down my neck as he leaves small yet passionate kisses behind my ear.

"Stop- no." I whisper, knowing deep down that it's wrong. I don't want to do this.

He grabs at my bare stomach and pulls me closer to him, leaving more love bites on my stomach to match my neck and shoulders.

Logan looks up and catches my gaze with his. He smirks and throws his arms around me, shifting in his spot. He begins pushing me back to lay me down.


He inserts his tongue into my mouth. Our two mouths do a tango and soon we fall into sync with each other. We continue kissing with a passionate force. Him and I fall into a comfortable rhythm together very quickly.

It feels natural. Our bodies seem to just move together as if they are one. We seem to be clicking very well right now. Maybe it's just the alcohol or maybe it is just old feelings creeping back up.


He pulls his shirt off quickly and tosses it to the floor. I smile as he slides his fingers under the lace in my underwear. My jaw drops open as he pleases me. He slides another finger in, causing me to squeal with pleasure.

He removes his hand and pulls off his pants, his boxers along with it. He tosses it randomly and presses himself back against my body, eager to continue.

He pulls my underwear down my legs, leaving it stuck on one of my ankles. I quickly kick them off the rest of the way and pull him back towards me, not wanting him to be away from me. I unhook my bra and throw it in one of the various piles of clothes on the floor.

Very quickly and without any hesitation at all, Logan settles over me. I pinch my eyes shut with anticipation. He knows he wants this and so do I. With the initial penetration over with, I grab onto his hips to help him with the motions.

I moan with pleasure, causing Logan to speed up to continue pleasing me.

"Oh fuck!" He screams out, moving faster and faster with every second.

"Harder." I whisper in his ear. Logan picks up speed until I finally reach my climax.

Not too long after, Logan is finally able to get off, finishing inside me.

Author's notes: what are your thoughts on what happened?

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