xiv: horrible health and a horrible situation

Start from the beginning

"Do you go early today?" Jaebum asked, hoping for him to say yes.

"No, why though?" BamBam questions with his eyebrow raised.

Jaebum crinkles his nose in despair as he stared down, forgetting about the locker.

"I won't be able to pick Yoon... And Jackson isn't picking up his phone" JB agonizes.

"Why not ask Jinyoung?" BamBam suggested.

"I already did ask him before, and he's sick today. Won't his foster parents get worried?" JB says.

"He lives with his aunt." BamBam said.

"How'd you know that?" JB questions with suspicion.

"The whole school knows that." BamBam replied as if he really knew.

"But you struggled to even remember his name that day?"

"I heard some girls talk about Jinyoung and then I heard he lives with his aunt." BamBam replied, his face contracting at all the nonsense those bitches spat. But he decided not to tell JB.

"Really? I thought the whole school knows about Jinyoung." JB retaliates.

"Don't change the topic, Jaebooty, are you gonna ask him or not?" BamBam says.

Jaebum sighs at life's brutality. Why does he have to choose at times like this?
He didn't have any choice, and bunking would kill him. But he'd kill Jackson first for revealing that stupid nickname to Mr. Long legs.

So he asks.


Jinyoung looks back and stops walking.


"How is your fever doing?" JB asks touching Jinyoung's forehead with the back of his hand.

Jinyoung slowly removes himself from JB's touch and says that it's better.
JB feels relived at hearing that. And Jinyoung's heart thrums.

He'd never had someone like JB to care so much about him apart from his aunt.

"Actually.... I have a favor to ask of you..." JB says anxiously.

"What is it?"

"You're leaving early right...? Could you pick up my sister? Please?" Jaebum stares expectantly, literally begging in his head.

"Y-Yeah I can" Jinyoung stated, partly for the loving glimmer in JB's eyes.

Jaebum widens his eyes, as if forgetting something important.

"Oh, before I forget, Here." Jaebum took off his denim jacket and put it on Jinyoung's shoulders.

"That should keep you warm." Jaebum replied, happily looking at Jinyoung who seemed a bit too small in Jaebum's oversized jacket, nonetheless keeping him warm.

Jinyoung wasn't one to reject; he couldn't, Jaebum's just too persistent. He liked Jinyoung in his jacket.

"T-Thank you.. I'll return it to you as soon as possible." Jinyoung says, clutching onto Jaebum's cologned jacket.


He sees Yoon, and is glad she isn't being bullied today.

Yoon is sitting with her blue bag and her panda teddy safe in her arms, when she sees Jinyoung. Her face lights up in surprise and reddens. She notices that Jinyoung is wearing her brother's jacket, although it being long forgotten.

"Hi, Yoon, your JB oppa told me to pick you up! Let's go home shall we?" Jinyoung initiated.

Yoon held Jinyoung's hand, while Jinyoung carried Yoon's backpack. But they're stopped.

"That's him!" A girl screeched.

Jinyoung is abruptly pulled back to meet the dreadful fucking face of Woon Jae. Woon Jae's eyes are glinted a mad shade of red, as he grabbed Jinyoung by the hair and led him outside, not wanting the girl, who is supposedly to Jinyoung's bad, bad luck, Woon's sister, to witness violence and blood.

Woon slams Jinyoung against a brick wall in an alleyway close to the kindergarten and harshly grappled Jinyoung's lower jaw, almost fracturing it in the process, forcing him to meet his angry eyes.

"You fucking dare to talk back to my sister, you little fag?!" Woon landed a hard core punch on Jinyoung's held jaw.

"Don't you dare spread your shitty sickness to my sister you fucking understand?!" He lands a kick on Jinyoung's ribs, making him crouch painfully to the ground, leaving Jinyoung holding his left rib in immense pain.

Woon didn't stop there; he was so angered at Jinyoung for a wanton reason, he hits Jinyoung who's still on the floor with a his might. He hit him on the ribs repeatedly, and when he felt it was enough, he moved on to pin Jinyoung to the wall once more, taking a single look at Jinyoung's blotchy face, a bruise on the area that Woon grabbed, his eyes watery and then hit him on his nose. He could hear the crunch of Jinyoung's bone.

After he was satisfied, leaving Jinyoung with a profusely bleeding nose, he picked up his sister and headed home.

Yoon was alarmed at the fact that Woon had returned; her heart beating against her ribs at the fact that Jinyoung didn't return with him.

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