I laughed, throwing her over my shoulder making her scream. I then walked into the classroom to make her satisfied that she didn't have to walk all this way.

She's impossible.

I sat her down next to Maddy on her phone. She was the only one in here, looking up to stare at us blankly before looking back down at her phone. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Happy?" I turned to Baby in a state of shock and confusion.

She shook her head before looking up at me with a smile. "Very."

"Good, I'll be back." I began to smile cockily, which caused her to frown at me. I didn't wait any longer as I walked away not saying a word.

I got to my car shortly, unlocking it and going through the glovebox in search of the small navy blue box as my surprise. I grabbed it, getting out and locking it again before heading back to inside the school building.

I'm super giddy -- yes, giddy -- to gave her this. You might remember that I told her that a certain pair of earnings would look super gorgeous on her. Well I brought them for a price I was not too happy about, yet, I still got them no matter what.

It was a small gift that I was hoping to give her in preparation to the school's dance as Cole was telling me about it during the week. Today being now Wednesday.

I was going to be that guy that asked her out to go to the dance with me, hoping to make it a romantic kind of thing and asking her out, officially. Thought it best to ask her now as we've been 'together' for around three or four months now.

And anyway I really do like her, extremely. Its to the point I wish she was in my arms no matter the cost, safe and protected.

I'm such a softy, ugh!

I smiled lightly looking down at the box in my hands before frowning when a pair of hands pushed me into a random classroom. She closed the door carefully to not draw attention, though, she was grabbing my attention as I questioned why I was even here.

I quickly hid the box in my back pocket so she wouldn't have to question me about it.

Why does she always appear at the worse time? Its annoying. And frankly she's just annoying in general.

"What do you want Alex, I'm busy?" I yawned in boredom.

"I would have thought you would be excited to see me Brady," she replied in amusement. I ignored it like I usually do. Her smile making me roll my eyes.

"No, I'm actually busy Alex. Now please excuse me," I state, pushing passed her but I didn't get too far when she grabbed my wrist, pushing me back to where I stood previously.

"Alex--" she shushed me by putting a finger against my lips.

"I'm going to make this simple Brady, okay?" Her stern voice made me want to leave right now. It was intoxicating and foul.

"No, not really. Can I go?" I question with narrowed eyes, feeling irritated as I pointed towards the closed door mocking me in this situation.

"No!" She yelled, stepping back with a tantrum soon to break in the atmosphere. Oh my freaking God! What's wrong with her?! She's got that fat ass Martin! What else does she want?!

Obviously it ain't hard to guess I'm that something. But really?! Come on!

Alex stared at me with those icy blue eyes looking into my soul. I began to feel violated. I just wanted to leave and not be in this predicament I somehow got myself into.

How did I even get into this mess in the first place?

"No," she stated more calmly than before, closing her eyes and breathing in ever so gently. I furrow my brows at her, a little confused. "No. All I want is for you to go to the school's annual dance with me. That's it."

Don't Lie To Me ✓ [2018 Version]Where stories live. Discover now