"You didn't have to kill him, you know. It would of been fine if you knocked him out," I said sternly, shooting daggers at him as he dumped the body behind some boxes.

"What's in the boxes?" I ask quickly, pointing at them near him.

Daniel looked inside, sticking his arm in, retrieving a piece of paper that he began reading. "An order from. . . Russia? I actually don't know, I can't read Russian," he said, looking at me with confusion.

"Then what use are you then," I deadpan.

He shrugged.

"You boys are terrible, shut up and let's go, Aaron is waiting," Maddy scowled, walking pass me as she made her way over to the doorway the guy walked through.

My dad said that someone was threatening us so he shipped us here to find out, knowing we don't work with other gangs for specific reasons. But we do know other gangs around town are in alliances, working together to take down others, such as ours if the rumours are true.

Daniel and I followed Maddy like puppies, walking into the next room which turned out to be a hallway, cupboards before us as above it were staircases. We walk ourselves up the stairs as quietly as possible, our guns at the ready for anything unexpected.

We get to the top of the stairs which was yet another hallway. We listened to where to voices belonged, coming out of the room loud and clear. They were discussing something as they made fun of whatever they were saying.

Maddy then stopped, looking into the closest room before looking to us with a shake of her head, confirming it was empty. We then continued on to the next until we got to the second last one. The door was closed but chatter was evident inside.

Maddy and Daniel standing on each side of the door, leaving me to kick the door down myself. I rolled my eyes before doing so, almost tripping but caught my balance.

When I looked up, no one was inside but a recorder placed upon the table in the middle of the room.

I turned to Maddy and Daniel now entering, confusion on each of our faces.

"Its a trap," Daniel concluded.

"Oh no shit Sherlock!" Maddy and I shouted to him. He placed his hands up, gun in one hand, mock surrender.

"These guys are smarter than they appear," I mutter to myself as I look around for any clues. I stared around seeing dust, glasses half filled with whiskey.

I walked up, dipping my finger into a glass before sucking on it. "Its fresh," I state.

"So they haven't left very long," Maddy said.

I continued looking down before an idea flashed in my head as I shot my head up at them. I smirked when they watched me.

"Come," I state, racing out and back downstairs.

"Brady, wait!" Maddy shouted, her footsteps close behind.

I entered the room with the boxes, except I didn't expect for ten guys to hold guns in my direction. Are they really this dumb?

On second thought, they're actually smart, I was just going to look at the dead guys foot prints in the dust and follow them to the others he was talking to. Now, seeing as they came to us, I have no plan on getting out of this predicament.

Maddy and Daniel soon bumped into me as they came to a sudden stop. I stepped forward in momentum for being bumped into, the guys in front of me readying their weapons on me, and only on me.

Why am I always in the spotlight?

"Eh em, we're just leaving," I cough, beginning to walk to the exit but jumped back when one of the guys shot their gun into the wall, really close to me by the way.

Don't Lie To Me ✓ [2018 Version]Where stories live. Discover now