|XLIII- Fry|

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I am back ;)

Fry- Bhejafry.


"Oye duffer, she can't reply." Tia shouts when bhai asked me about my salary.

This was only left.

"Tia, arrey I know but then still she can give gestures na. Actually I wanted to check whether everywhere the same rates are followed."

"Acha oh right. You act and tell us, okay?" Tia says telling me.


Abh yehi hai.

I nod my head as I sighed.

I showed a two from my fingers first showing a peace sign and then I showed my fist twice, but before if U show the fist as a zero for the third time.

"Wait. What, only 200? For food as well as all the household things." Samir bhai asked shocked.

Before I could nod a no,

"Baapre, and only 200 for a bungalow?" Neha added.

Arrey let me complete.

"Then toh for our flats you will only charge ₹50-70 only right?" Tia adds.

Wait na, before I can nod a no.

"Are you free -"

"Excuse me?" My oldy decides to enter at a perfect time.

Such a perfect timing, I mean he couldn't come when the were taking by 2000 as 200 but when bhai just uttered are you free, he entered without letting him complete his sentence.

My possessive oldy.

"What did you say?" Laksh asks a little angry.

"Sir, we were discussing how much she charges here. Actually Samir wanted to cross check prices. And when she told 200 rupees only we have decided we all will hire her only." Tia completes in a single breath.

"200 rupees?" Laksh looks at me in confusion.


Finally I get to nod a no.

I then added 200 with a 0. Making it 2000 rupees.

"Ooh, you meant ₹2000. Sorry we thought otherwise." Samir bhai apologies as he rubs his nape.


"Yaaar, I miss Ragini." Tia adds as she takes a bite if the cake which I had served to everyone.

"Call her na. Ask her if she can come?" Neha asks as she also takes a bite.

Rohan and Samir bhai hmm's in response.

"Good idea," Tia says as she removes her phone to call me.

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