|XXV- Flabbergasted|

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this is a short kinda FILLER chapter because the next chapter will be LONG LONGER AND LONGEST AND ALSO WILL BE LIKE CHAPTER 5😂 so a damn humorous (i hope it turns out that way.) It will be uploaded tomorrow itself. So for now just a short and boring chapter. I needed to form the base for the next chapter. So yeahh!!!

No proof read. 100000000000 errors.

Lets goo••••••

Flabbergasted-extremely surprised and/or shocked


"Hayee!!! This is so good." Tia said as we were in the lift. Others had to take another lift but Laksh, Tia and I took the other as we had to go on the third floor.

Throughout the lift ride, Laksh kept on giving me sad, puppy dog looks.

Abh what can I do?

"Ragu, lets share the room only na?" Tia says while Laksh widens his eyes as if Tia just dropped a bomb.

Tia was standing in between me and Laksh and was facing towards me. While Laksh kept on giving me so many looks. Either shaking his head or widening his eyes.

"Uhm.." I started when.

"Acha na leave it. Why waste a room haina?" Tia answered her own question.

Good enough.

And then with a ding we were on the third floor. I looked at my key card to look at the room number. And then at Tia's.

Mine was 318 and hers was 316.

What was Laksh's?

We reached our room doors when Laksh moved towards the door just infront of mine.


Good enough?

We were entering the room or I should say we were waiting for Tia to enter the room but alas she stood waiting for me so inshort she toh entered but made me enter as well.

As soon as I entered, I received a message from Laksh,

"Can I kill her?"

I chuckled as I sat on my bed replying.

/Laksh's messages in italics while Ragu's in bold."

"Oh puhlease. If I remember it was you who INVITED HER TO OUR WEDDING."

"Seriously? You aren't letting me ever forget that Ragu. It was a mistake."

"What kind of mistake was that? You personally called her and told her to attend the wedding which was suppose to be a secret?"

"Ayee but I didn't ask to attend the wedding I just told her to deliver a file."

"During the pheras? What made you think that TIA wouldn't stay for the wedding. Like I HAD TO WEAR THE LONG VEIL THROUGHOUT MY WEDDING JUST SO TIA CANNOT RECOGONIZE ME!"

"Ha but wait see I didn't call her during the pheras okay? I had called her early in the morning. Her fault she came late and then she insisted on attending the wedding."

"You think I care? Because of your mistake I had to attend my marriage as a third person. Useless idiot oldy!"

"Baccha you really seriously need to stop calling me that. I am NOT OLD."

"Oh you so are. And get lost."

And with that I kept my phose aside though the notifications kept coming.

Twist|RagLak-FF✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora