|XXII- Fair Play|

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Fairplay- Playing according to rules;
(here) not.

F A I R. P L A Y

"I won't go there as well." I announced while I was met with the glares shooted at me by all the other three candidates.

Before anyone could tell or yell at me, Swara and bhai came near us and folded their arms around their chest.


Bhai unfolded his hands and shoved them into his pockets while Swara's one hand played with her pendent.

"So all of you are coming right?" Bhai said as he smirked at me.

So he was in Team Laksh.

"Someone who can't come?" Swara asked as she smiled at me.

She is in Team Ragini.

Bring it onn!!!!

"Ma'am I won't be able to make it." I respond faking a guilt filled expression.

Seeing Swara, she was going to agree but then bhai..

"Ragini, its an official dinner. You have to come." He demanded.

Bhai bhai na raha.

"Sir its a family call. I have to get back home."

"Family, I see." I heard the familier voice which cane behind us.

"Yes." I confidently affirm.

I saw him smirking at me while Swara and bhai looked amused.

"Ragini we aren't giving you an option." He announced while he turned his attention to the gang.

"Do you all have a car?" He ask but the thing was he very very very well knew the answer.

I had told him some day last week only that, Tia and Neha carpooled with Rohan who currently was out for a vacation. So now they used public transport. While Sameer had a two wheeler as his car was at his home. Apparently he didn't like driving a car everyday to work in the Mumbai Traffic.


When all of them answered a no, Laksh looked at me.

And it was today when he told me to leave my car at home. He knew it, didn't he?

"No sir!" I gritted my teeth angrily.

"Okay then you four come with me." He answered the unexpected.

Obviously I knew it. He wouldn't let me grab a ride with someone as I would have legit ran away! Now I had no other option. Sad.

My gang who had no idea that they were spectators to a husband- wife fight agreed.

We all wrapped up our work for the day and left for the basement.

While bhai and Swara went in bhai's car. We all headed to a familier new black audi which belonged to an apparently old person.

Now as Laksh took a round to sit on the driver's seat I fought myself thinking where should I sit?

Obviously it would look odd if I went and sat in the passenger seat and make Samir sit between or next to two girls in the back seat. He might feel awkward. And hell I am letting sit either Tia or Neha next to Laksh.

"Samir you sit in front, we three will sit behind." I propose the idea to Samir.

"Na Ragu, you sit. I am feeling little sleepy, I don't want to drowse while sitting in front. It isn't right. Though I won't sleep, yet. Safety." He smiled as he took the window seat in behind.

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