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Fees-A payment made to a professional person or to a professional or public body in exchange for advice or services.

Heyyy!! Heyyy!! I am back with chapter 4 of TWIST:

F E E S:


"I know right sir!" Tia exclaimed when she heard Laksh talking about how I should get married to a great, handsome etc etc man.

"Ragu, why don't you ask your parents to allow you to marry your boyfriend?" My bestest friend in the whole world exclaimed while I could swear I was so ready to take her to hell along with me.

My death is as it is fixed only.

Folks!! Menu should be great, I love food so make sure you keep pasta and iced tea, others you all decide.

This time I heard the dhup sound!! And a loud scream of the person sitting near me, who seemed he could kill me with his glare.

"Boyfriend??" Laksh yelled while I looked on guilty.

Okay see, I can explain.

Like this time I lied about my oh so great Fake family last time I again lied about my boyfriend. Tia had seen me with a boy- The idiot Kapoor, but this great girl didn't see his face so like you know how greatly she assumes, she assumed that he was my boyfriend.

Technically she wasn't wrong, this idiot is my fiancée so I didn't correct her.

"You have a boyfriend?" Laksh asked with his eyebrows touching his forehead, I swear the could fall off anytime soon.

"Obviously sir she does. I even saw her with him in the mall." Tia added some more ghee.

"What the hell?" Laksh again yelled- said as he looked at me trying to get all answers.

"Why sir? Is there any problem in having a boyfriend? Like it is not against the company's rule right?" Tia so curiously asked.

Ha ha behn problem toh hai hi nahi, you tell my fiancée that I have a boyfriend.

No problem. Please go ahead.

Or actually please get out!

"No it isn't but Ragini you have a boyfriend?" Laksh again cutely asked he looked so dejected.

I was trying to control my laughter seeing his face.

Thats when FINALLY Tia said, "Ayee, Ragu its already 6pm I would have to leave, Raj and I had decided to meet today." She informed smiling and blushing.

Raj was her boyfriend, and this girl was going to meet him putting my present;future; love; hate life on fire.

Atta girl!

"Yes you should leave- I mean don't keep him waiting," I rectified my mistake as I smiled. Dropping Tia to the gate.

Jaa Tia jee le apni zindagi;

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