He moaned against me as I pushed him back against the elevator walls. I rubbed my hips against his, and pulled back my lips from his. He was out of breath when I started kissing on his neck. He moaned even more and I sent him over the top with phase three. Phase four was next, I would be the automatic winner, but I still had phase five.

For phase four, I took one of my hands and started roaming from his chest to his pants. Stopping and groping his dick, he did his sharp intake of breath and mumbled my name. I knew I had him then. The elevator stopped on the top floor and opened up to no one. I pressed my floor number and the doors closed.

Phase five had to happen fast. I quickly pulled down his pants and crouched down in front of him. He laid his head back, already knowing what I was going to do. I picked up his hard and lightly kissed the tip. He shuddered and I began to laugh. I stood back up and he looked confused.

"What happen?" He asked.

"Revenge." I told him.

"You asshole." I laughed again. "Why'd you do this to me?" He asked madly.

"Because I love you." Was my excuse.

"Whatever." He pulled his pants back up just as the doors opened to a mother and young boy.

"Nice." I told him and walked out confidently.

"Jackass." He whispered behind me.

I went and unlocked the door and walked in. He pushed me out of the way and went to the bathroom.

"Kellin, I'm sorry." I started to feel bad.

"I'm not talking to you." He yelled back.

I sighed and fell back on the bed. I heard my phone vibrate as it sat on the table beside the bed. I rolled over and picked it up, it was Mike calling.


"Why is Jaime back and you're not?" He asked.

"Because, I don't love Jaime." I bluntly told him.

"So you're by yourself? What kind of choice is that?" He was aggravated I could tell.

"No, I'm with Kellin." I sat up and got out the bed.

"Kellin? Are you guys back together?" I rolled my eyes.

"Is that Vic? Who's Kellin?" I heard Tony's all too familiar voice.

"Yeah, but he's a guy we went to school with. He and Vic dated and might be dating."

"You gossip like a girl." I told him as I picked out my clothes for the luau.

"Whatever, are you guys together again? Yes or no?" I groaned in annoyance.

"Yes Mike. Now I have to go, bye. I'll be back in a few days." I told him and hung up.

I laid the phone down and got my plaid shirt and black skinnies. I started getting dressed just as Kellin walked out the bathroom. I smiled at him and he rolled his eyes and got on the bed.

"Kellin, I'm sorry." I huffed and went over to him.

"Whatever." He moped.

"I love you." I kissed his lips and he pushed away. I took his hands and pinned them to his side and kissed him more. I climbed on top of him, straddling over him and kissed him deeply. He moaned and moved his head away.

"Don't start what you can't finish." He tried to push me away.

"Who said I wasn't going to finish?" I moved off from over him and went back to my suitcase. "I'll be happy to finish it tonight." I teased.

"Really?" He asked skeptically.

"Yes, only on one condition." I held up my finger.

"What?" He rolled over onto his stomach and put his hands up to prop his head up.

"You, have to come to my concert next month." I walked over to him.

"Do I have to?" He whined.

"Yes, please?" I slightly begged.

"Okay." He agreed. I leaned in and captured his lips but pulled back when I remembered I had to get dressed.

"We have to get ready for the luau or we'll miss it." I pointed out.

"What time does it start?" He asked.

"Six." He looked at my phone.

"It's only 4." He smirked.

"Yeah, well I might have had plans for something until the time came." I started back to getting dressed.

"I know what we can do." He said seductively, getting out the bed.

"Later, I promise." I walked towards him and kissed his lips sweetly and quickly. "Now get ready." I said hitting his butt.

"Owww!" He screamed.

"I didn't hit you that hard." He was such a baby.

"Well maybe it still hurt." He rubbed his butt and started going through his suitcase.

"If you think that hurts, wait until tonight." I looked as waited for his reaction.

"Shut up. Don't hurt me Vic." He whined.

"It'll feel great, you won't even know it's there." I laughed and he came over and messed up my hair. "What was that for?" I asked.

"For being a dork." He laughed.

"Yeah, you're dork dummy." He smiled at my comment and nodded.

Cemetery Weather (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now