Chapter 28

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After Randy left the weeks passed by pretty quickly and soon enough I seemed to be doing pretty good without Glenn. Life was starting to look up again and that was the first time in a pretty long time. Getting out of bed in the morning became easier and it actually seemed like I could manage by myself again. Unfortunately another curve ball was thrown right at me and that was the realization that we had to record again.

Don woke me up in the morning and I could smell coffee brewing, "Fuckkkk." I groaned, stretching my arms over my head.

"Do you even need me there?" I was hoping and hoping he would say no, that I could stay here, and just avoid seeing Glenn forever. However it wasn't that easy.

He shook his head, "I'm really sorry Sara, but really it'd be great for you to be there."

With a sigh I threw the covers back on the bed and got up, "Alright, let's get this shit started."

Everyone seemed happy to see me and I faked my way through all the jokes, smiles, and all other happy bullshit. It was all going well, until Glenn walked in.

"Alrighty folks, let's get this show on the road." He announced in a loud voice as he practically burst through the door. My eyes rolled so far back it was painful, but I didn't make eye contact with him I couldn't.
He slammed his fists on the table, "Wooo! This is gonna be groovy!!"
Something hit the table and I looked over to see what it was, Glenn had threw a bag of coke out for everyone to use.

We all just stared at it as Glenn opened it up and put a line on the table, curling up a crisp dollar bill he snorted the whole line in one sniff. He rubbed his nose and shook his head, "DAAAMN that's some good shit!"

My mouth hung open as I watched him stumble around the studio before plopping down in a chair, I had never seen Glenn like this ever, and it was scary. This whole record session had a very dark vibe to it, almost like a dark cloud. It made me worry for how this album would go.

However one day was different though, Glenn didn't come completely wasted he was actually totally sober. I still didn't talk to him at all, not even asked him a question. All I did was talk to the other members, they asked me questions or talked to me about the songs we were doing but Glenn said nothing and I didn't mind it at all.

Don had a new song he had been working on for a very long time, he was sitting in the studio at the piano.
Bernie spoke into the microphone to me and Glenn in the booth, it was the first time we had been totally alone in months.

"Don is going to sing this new song he wrote, he wants to do it by himself first. Ready folks?"

I nodded, pressing the mic button in the booth. "All set."
Hitting the button to start the tapes and the recording, Don started playing the piano. Glenn and I sat at opposite sides of the room as we listened to the new song.

Springtime, and the acacias are blooming
Southern California will see one more day
Dreamland, and business is booming
The birds are a singing as I drift away
She looks another year older
From too many lovers who used her and ran
But some nights, oh, she looks like an angel
And she's always willing to hold you again

The more I paid attention to it, the more it hit me...this song was about me or Glenn and me actually.
Was this the song Don had been writing for months in the house? He wrote a song just about all this shit that happened? I'm sure it hasn't been easy for him, practically babysitting me daily. I appreciated it so much, without Don I'm not sure where I'd be.

So give her this dance
She can't be forsaken
Learn how to love her
With all of her faults
She gave more than she's taken
And I'll go down doing the Hollywood Waltz

Slowly my eyes started to gaze at Glenn, he sat with his chin resting in his hand, and bouncing his leg. It was the first time I realized how tired he look, the circles underneath his eyes were so black. Suddenly our eyes met, I hadn't look at him straight in the face in so long.

Springtime and the lady is grieving
The lovers just stand there with nothing to say

My heart began to ache as I continued to stare at him, his face was covered in a light beard, and his eyes were slightly bloodshot. His hair was messy in a "I haven't slept in who knows how long" way, and I could smell the booze on his clothes.

They got what they wanted, they're packing and leaving
To look for another to love the same way

The song continued playing and Glenn slowly got out of his chair, walking over to me. I stood up and began to shake with nerves, my stomach swirled, and I almost thought I would puke.

Glenn and I stood inches apart as he put a hand on my waist. He held my other hand and pulled me close, we started to dance as the song filled the room. My head laid in the crook of his neck, I could fill tears slip down my cheeks, and on to his shirt.

So give her this dance
She can't be forsaken
Learn how to love her
With all of her faults
She gave more than she's taken
And I'll go down doing the Hollywood Waltz
The Hollywood Waltz
The Hollywood Waltz
The Hollywood Waltz
The Hollywood Waltz

Don played the last notes of the song and I lifted my head off of Glenn's shoulder. Our noses met and he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me even closer. My hands went up into his hair and our lips met, I kissed him passionately. I yearned for him, my body ached for his touch. Even though I acted like I was over him, deep down I knew I wasn't.

I loved him, I loved him, I loved him. I loved everything about him, even the things that drove me absolutely crazy I loved. He made me feel complete, without him I felt empty. Glenn was the person I needed the most in life, no matter how mad I was at him I knew he was my whole heart.

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