Chapter 2

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                    I groaned, rolling over onto my side to pick up the phone. "Do you have any idea what time it is?" I practically yelled.

                    "Sheeeesh sorry sorry." A deep voice on the other end said with a chuckle. I pushed myself up on my elbows, to sit up in bed. "Glenn?" I asked.
"Who else would it be? I got your number from Don who got it from Stevie." he explained.

                     I twirled the phone cord around my finger, "What do you need?"
"The guys and I need someone to do photos for the album, I was thinking maybe you could do it." Glenn explained. "Think you can be able to be picked up around 3?"
I looked at the clock on  my dresser, it read 11:15am. After the night before at the Troubadour I was beat. "Yeah, I can be ready by then." I answered, I pulled the blankets off me and swung my feet over the edge of the bed.

                    "Awesome, see you then Seraphina." His voice was smooth like butter, causing me to blush. "Yeah Glenn." I said softly, "See you then." I put the phone down on the receiver before getting up and walking into the kitchen.


                      At 2 o'clock my phone rang again, this time in the living room. I put it to my ear, "Hello?" I put my pencil behind my ear. "Sara! Don told me that Glenn wanted your number." Stevie squealed on the end.

                     I laughed, "They want to use me for their album, they're picking me up at three to take pictures." Stevie always wanted to set me up with someone, just none of her guys ever really worked out.

                     "I think he likes you Sara." Stevie giggled, "Did you see how he was looking at you last night?" I rolled my eyes, yep she was trying to set me up with someone.
"Steph." I said sternly, "If this was your idea, I swear---"

                    Stevie quickly interrupted me, "It's not! I gave up on that, just be safe today and tell me all about it." Stevie always told me to be safe, ever since I dated this one guy a couple years ago. I smiled, "Yes Mother." I hung up, going back to my writing before the clock struck three. 


                     "Its open!" I yelled, running around my house trying to grab everything I need. "Uh, hello?" Glenn said as he opened the door. I stopped to fix my hair, "In here!" 

                    I heard multiple pairs of boots banging on the wood floor, I sighed must have brought the whole damn band in. I peaked my head around the doorway of my room, "Ahh welcome!" 

                  Don looked at what I had in my hands, "Oh shit, Glenn forgot to mention we were camping over night?" my eyes went wide, "WHAT?!?" Glenn extended his arms, "Surprise!"    

                    I slammed my bag down on the ground, "Fucking surprise, my ass." I grumbled, turning to go back in my room to pack some more things I'll need.

                "Good going Glenn." I heard Don whisper. I heard footsteps behind me, I turned around to see Don standing in the middle of my room. "What needs to be done?" he asked. I pushed a piece of hair behind my ear, "Uhhh, can you grab the camera stuff?" 

              "Do you guys have any food?" I asked the other three Eagles. They shook their heads, I groaned. "Okay then, Randy you go through my kitchen pick what you want." He nodded before digging through my cabinets. I rushed back into my room to finish my packing, when I tripped over a dog bowl. "Shit." I cussed. I forgot to pick up my dog Georgie.
              I quickly dialed Stevie's number, "Steph? Yeah its me." I said, "Listen, I forgot to pick up Geo today, can you please get him?" Thankfully she said yes, "Thank you Steph! I'll be safe I know." I whispered not wanting the other guys to know. I hung up the phone as Don came out of my room holding my camera bag, I smiled, "Thanks Don, lemme finish getting my other things."

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