Chapter 15

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"When can I leave this hospital?" I looked around at the white walls. "I'm tired of this place."
Glenn chuckled, sitting down with a cup of coffee in his hands. "You've only been awake for two days, doll." Rolling my eyes, I crossed my arms in a huff.

After that it was silence until Glenn began to speak. "Hey Seraphina can I ask you something?" My heart started to beat faster on the monitor, "What's up?"
Leaning forward, he rested his arms on his knees. "What did the doc mean about the institution?"

"Well um, that was really nothing." I replied quickly, flattening the sheets around me.  Glenn raised an eyebrow, "Sara please, I want to help." Looking up at him I sighed, "A mental institution, alright?" Glenn tried reaching for my hand, I yanked it away. "Stop."

I didn't want his pity, no one was supposed to know about that. If I could erase it from my memory I would. "Why did you drink so much?" he whispered. He was still staring at me, why wouldn't he stop? "Just leave me alone...please." Glenn ran a hand through his hair, "Why cant you just tell me?" He wouldn't give up, why wouldn't he give up?? "Because!" I grabbed hold of the sheets, "I don't want to talk about it! Its over! It was years ago so just shut up!"

The disappointment on his face broke my heart, but I wasn't going to tell him. "I just want to help you." I cocked my head to the side, "Well I don't want help, I'm fine." Glenn grabbed me by the shoulders, "No! You're not! You could have died!" "Fine by me!" I retaliated.  Then he let go of me and stormed out of the room. The door slammed behind him as I tried to hold back my tears.


It had been hours and Glenn hadn't come back yet, the only person who had come in was the nurse. Once again she came in to check on everything, "Need anything before I leave?" First I shook my head but then I thought. "Actually, you know my friend with the long hair? Can you maybe find him...I want to see him." She nodded, "Of course."

After awhile there was a knock at the door, "Come in." The door slowly opened and in came Glenn. "Sit down." I said softly, pointing towards the end of the bed. Obediently he sat, taking a deep breath I began to speak. "I dated this guy in high school, we all moved out to California as teenagers. We were happy for awhile there, but when Steph would leave he'd hit me...alot. Then one day I really pissed him off and Stevie was gone working. So hit me and I ran to hide in the closet. Once he found me he tried choking me but threw me on the bed. Where he um...raped me." I continued looking at the blank wall behind Glenn, I couldn't look him in the eye. "He left and Stevie found me once she got home. They found the guy and put him in jail, obviously I didn't take the attack all too well. I had these...nightmares, they drove me insane and I drank a lot to deal with it. A few weeks later I had a huge mental breakdown and Stevie sent me to a mental institution where I stayed for 6 months until I turned 18."

Silence fell over the room once I stopped speaking, Glenn just looked down at the bed. I crossed my arms exhaling a deep breath, "So that's that." It was still absolute silence, honestly I figured Glenn would just leave again. It wouldn't surprise me at all, that's what people do. Instead he looked up at me and quietly mumbled, "I'm sorry."

"I started drinking again because those nightmares were the exact same ones that caused me to drink way back then. That's why I started drinking and that's why we're here." Glenn stared at me, "Why didn't you tell anyone?" I shrugged, "Because that would be too easy." His glare told me my joke wasnt so funny. "I didn't want anyone to know, I didn't want Stevie to send me back." This time tears brimmed my eyes, "This isn't something I like to brag about. I've never told anyone and I wanted to keep it that way."

Glenn pulled me closer to him, "I don't think any less of you."

"But I do." I whispered against his shoulder.

A/N: Tbh this sucks but hey I wrote the past chapters that would lead up to this so yeah. Sorry

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