Chapter 11

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TW: Attempted assault

"Please stop!" I wailed, I tried looking up at the man hitting me. I couldn't tell who he was, his voice was so familiar. He continue to hit me in the face as I cried on the floor, he picked me up by my throat and slammed me against the wall. Once again his warm vodka smelling breath hit me in the face, this was almost the same as last time. He threw me on the bed before turning around to face me. I whimpered as he started to tear the clothes I was wearing, "Stop!" I screamed hoarsely, as he continued to rip my clothes off. As I tried to fight him off he slapped me some more, finally I got a good look at his face. I gasped as he unzipped his pants, suddenly everything started to stop. Once again I heard my name being called in the distance and felt someone shaking me.

I sat straight up in bed as my eyes flew open, I felt arms wrap around me as my eyes tried to adjust to the darkness. I closed my mouth when I noticed I was screaming in a hoarse whisper into Glenn's chest. "Shhh doll, its okay. Don't wake up the whole floor now." He whispered. I couldn't believe what happened, I hadn't thought about that in years. Glenn rubbed circles on my back as I tried to pull myself together. "It was all a dream, it never happened." He said softly in my ear, I sobbed harder when I knew that wasn't true.

Glenn put his hands on either side of my face, he looked at me with sad eyes. "Hey, hey, hey, its all okay. I'm here." I nodded, more tears sprinkled onto my cheeks. "I don't want to go back." I wailed. "It was a dream doll, you won't go back." I sighed as Glenn tried to comfort me. The place I was thinking of wasn't that dream, Glenn tilted my face up to look at his and then kissed my cheeks right under my eyes.

"Don't tell anyone." I mumbled hoarsely, my breathing was starting to slow down. Glenn put his hand up, "Scouts honor." I giggled, "Were you even in the scouts?" He shrugged causing me to laugh more. After I calmed down Glenn started to get up, "Wait!" I called after him. He looked back at me,"Stay please?" He smiled, getting under the blanket and laying down next to me. Glenn put his arm around me as I snuggled into his chest, he kissed my forehead. "Nothing will happen, I'm here."


I woke up to Glenn's soft snores next to me, I looked up at him and a smile formed on my lips. The thoughts of last night had left my mind and I was content. Glenn started to stir as the sunlight from the window hit his face. He gave me a sleepy smile when he opened his eyes, "Mornin."

"Hello." I smiled softly. He kissed me on the side of my head, "How did you sleep doll?" I shrugged, "Pretty good, you slept well?" Glenn nodded, more sun was sipping through the curtains. I groaned, getting out of bed leaving the man to pout. "What are you doing?"

I giggled, "Closing the curtains properly, its too bright." I laid back down in bed and Glenn's arms wrapped back around my waist. I sighed, everything was calm and you could forget about everything for awhile.

Glenn gazed down at me, "Hey doll?" I lifted my head off of his chest, "Yeah?" I was praying he wasn't asking what I thought he would.

"What goes in those dreams?"


"Umm." I stuttered, "They're just nightmares you know? They happen." Glenn raised his eyebrow, "Really?" I nodded my head, swallowing the lump in the back of my throat. He gave me a questioning look, "I'm really worried about you Seraphina, you haven't been acting like your old self."

I shook my head, "I'm okay, really!" Glenn tightened his grip around me, "If you ever wanna talk I'm here." I smiled, "Thanks Glenn."

A/N: Its been forever and I wish I ended this better but I've been lacking inspo really bad. Hopefully itll come back. Please vote and comment!♥♥

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