Chapter 7

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I opened the backstage door slowly, I was nervous to face Glenn after the gig. Thankfully he was busy talking to some people as I tip toed around the room trying to find Randy. Stevie was off with Don somewhere, I had one other person I could talk to. I found him standing by a supply closet. I walked up to him, "Hey Sara." I opened the closet door and gently pushed Randy in the closet, shutting it behind me.

"Uh what's going on?" he asked nervously. I crossed my arms, "Why did Glenn want us there so early today?" Randy shrugged, "I don't know! He just said he wanted to invite you two." I pointed my finger at him, "Is that song about me?" I felt bad for being rude to sweet Randy but I needed to know.

He put his hands up, "I don't know Sara! I didn't help him write it, Don did. He's been really quiet about it I don't know if he wrote about you." I sighed, leaning up against the wall. "I'm sorry Randy, its just driving me up the wall." Randy smirked, "Its no problem, but could we maybe leave I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea."

"Oh oh oh shit, yeah." it clicked soon what he was talking about. I opened the door quickly. Randy stopped in the doorway, "I don't know what's goin' on really but if you ever want to talk I'm here." I smiled, "Thank you Randy."

We quickly slipped out of the closet and returned to mingling around the groups of people.  They were celebrating something, everyone was cheering. "We're going on tour!" Glenn yelled, "Wanna come with?" he pointed at me. "Sure!" I cheered. He ran up and hugged me, I smiled wide. This amazing band was getting what they deserved and I was so happy for them.


"Fucking hell!" I screamed jumping up in my seat on the bus. We hit a giant bump on the road which woke me up. "Its okay!" Dan the driver yelled, then there was a popping noise and the bus titled to one side causing all of us to scream. Dan slammed on the breaks and we all jolted forward. "Okay, we're not so okay." he sighed. 

Don looked out of the window on his side, "We blew a fucking tire." he muttered. Everyone ran to that window, "Son of a bitch." Glenn said. Dan went outside to look at the damage, the band followed him out there. I sat back down in my seat, Stevie switched seats to be next to me. 

"Well this is amazing." 

"You're almost as sarcastic as me." 

"It rubs off on me Sara." 

I stood up, "I wanna know what's going on, you coming Steph?" She nodded, following me down the steps of the bus. The band had been on tour for a month now, Stevie had just joined last week. 

"Well shit, that's a pot hole not a fucking bump." I muttered looking back at what we hit. Stevie rubbed her eyes, "I was hoping we'd get to the hotel soon." I walked over to the side of the bus where the light was coming from. Dan was squatting on the ground with a flashlight looking at the tire. "Fuck, there's no way of saving this thing." Don and Glenn were at the back of the bus with another flashlight, "There are no tires." Don said. Bernie kicked some dirt in frustration.

I crossed my arms over my chest as the cool breeze hit, it was getting close to sunset and we were stuck on the middle of the highway. Glenn walked up to us, running a hand threw his hair. "How far are we from the hotel?" I shrugged, "I'll go get the map." I quickly grabbed it from the dashboard of the bus. I squinted at the paper, "About 6 miles." 

Glenn sighed, "I can walk there and call someone." I stopped him, "No, that's like a hour walk in the middle of nowhere on the side of a highway at night. Hell no." He crossed his arms, "What the hell are we gonna do then?" I put my hands on my hips, "Not running around in the middle of wherever the hell we are when its pitch black outside." 

"She has a point Glenn." Randy added. I smiled, "Thank you Randy!" Glenn stuck his tongue out and went to pout by Don. Stevie giggled, "These guys would be screwed without you." I sighed, "Probably." 

Finally Don and Dan gave up trying to figure out what to do with the tire. The sun had set and it was cold as hell. I huddled next to Stevie while the group discussed what to do. "Why can't we go inside for this?" Steph whispered. I shrugged, finally we all agreed on just sleeping in the bus tonight...on the side of the road. Tomorrow Dan would walk to the hotel and call some people.

We all went back in the bus, "Fuck its cold in here too." I groaned running to grab my coat from my seat. "Because Don had his window open!" Stevie shot him a glare. Don quickly shut it, "Well I wasn't expecting to be sleeping here tonight." 

I sighed picking up my blanket and sitting on the seat, "How the hell are we gonna do this?"

Stevie sat behind me curled up on the seat, "We can nap here, we just have to nap reeeaally long." Don sat down next to her and she snuggled up to him. 

I pulled the blanket up to my chin, "Its fucking cold as tits." 

"I dunno those are pretty warm."

"Oh shut it Nicks." 

Glenn plopped down on the seat next to me, I scooted closer to him and rested my head on his arm. He looked down at me and laughed, "You're still not warm?" I shook my head, "Nooooo."

He lifted up his arm and wrapped it around my shoulders as I nuzzled into his side, "Okay." I mumbled and closed my eyes. "That's a bit better."


I jolted awake as I heard a long banging  coming from the side of the bus, Don ran over to the door and opened it. A police officer stood on the other side of the door, "Excuse me, what's exactly going on here?" Don sighed as he explained the whole story to the cop. 

"Where's Dan?" I whispered to Randy in the corner. "I think he went to the hotel." he responded. Don then took the cop outside, slamming the door behind him. "Okay, does anyone have drugs on them?" I looked around the bus everyone shook their head, I sighed with relief.

Don soon walked back in with the cop, "This is Officer Bonham, he radioed one of his partners about this." Glenn ran a hand through his hair, "What does that mean?" 

"We're taking you guys to your hotel, then tow the bus to a place where it can be fixed." Right as the officer explained that a tow truck pulled up next to us. "There's Dan!" I exclaimed, pointing out the window. The officer laughed, "Then we'll just take you to the hotel." 

Stevie groaned, "Can everyone not be so damn loud?" I laughed, "C'mon Steph we're going to the hotel." She grabbed her bag and marched out of the bus, dragging the blanket around her on the ground. Don giggled, "You handle her the best you know." I smiled watching her angrily plop down in the cop car, "You get used to it after a couple years."

Soon enough we reached the hotel and Don carried a sleeping Stevie into their room. I pulled both of our luggage into the room, setting Stevie's in the corner. 5 of us fit in the first cop car and the rest of us came in another cop car with our luggage. The bus was at a mechanic's getting a new tire, courtesy of the band's management. Everything was settled and we were all ready for some proper sleep.  

Don kissed Stevie's forehead and started to leave the room, "You'll take care of her right?" I smiled, pushing some hair out of her face. 


A/N: I don't really know how I  feel about this chapter, I could have done better with the ending. I got the idea of the bus from Almost Famous haha. I hope you all enjoy this!

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