Chapter 14

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"Sara? What the hell happened here?!" I couldn't believe what our house looked like. It was totally trashed and my friend was no where to be found. Running into her bedroom, I stopped dead in my tracks. Seraphina was laying there, clothes torn, and beaten up. She shivered as my eyes noticed fresh blood stained on the sheets.

Covering my mouth, I screamed. "Seraphina! What the hell happened?! Are you okay?!" Quickly, I ran to her side. Tears dripped down her cheeks, she looked me straight in the eyes. "It was...Jim"
Anger took over my body, I couldn't believe it. Jim raped my friend? My best friend? I didn't see any signs or anything?

Grabbing the phone off the table, I called the police. Soon they arrived, getting off the bed I lead them into the room. They carried her on a stretcher into the ambulance, Sara extended her arm out. "Steph? Stay with me?" I grabbed her bruised hand, "Always Sara."


Jolting awake I quickly looked around, Sara was still laying in bed, and Glenn was sitting next to me. "Don went to get coffee." He said softly, as if he read my mind.

Nodding I sat up in the chair, stretching my legs straight out. The silence was awful, I just wanted Sara to wake up and for us to go home. I wanted us to be happy again and on tour, not have all these old problems dug up again.

All of a sudden my prayers were answered, Sara's eyes started to open. Then they fluttered open, her blue eyes looking back at us. I was totally speechless, Glenn squeezed her hand. "Hey doll." He whispered, she squeezed his hand slightly.

I grabbed her other hand, "Sara! You're awake!" She turned her head to look at me, "What happened?" With a sniff Glenn began to answer her question, I couldn't believe it he was crying. "You-you drank too much, it almost killed you." She squeezed his hand, "How long has it been?"

Shrugging I tried to guess, "I don't know its seemed like forever." Glenn interrupted me, "Two weeks." How can he keep track of all this? He's probably the only one who knows.

Sara looked surprised, "Oh wow." Her voice was hoarse.

"Here, have some water." I handed her a cup, she grabbed it with a shaking hand.

Our moment was ruined when a doctor walked in. He gave a tight lipped smile before looking down at his check board. "Glad to see you up, Miss Tate." Sara scooted up in the bed, giving a slight nod.

"We checked through your records, you have quite a detailed history." A nurse came to check Sara's vitals, I looked around nervously. This wasn't how I wanted Glenn to find out, but it all got a lot worse.

The door slowly opened, Don and Randy popped their heads around the corner. Both sets of eyes lit up, "Sara!"

The doctor gave them a glare before continuing, "Now seeing that you've been in an institution we were wondering if you have an alcohol problem."

Sara's eyes met mine, we were both panicked. "No no! It was a stupid mistake, a fun night out. That's all!"

I stood up, "Yeah doc, that's all it was!" Giving a quick nod the doctor gave us a questionable look. "We just want the best for you Ms Tate, everything looks good. You should be able to leave soon."

Once the doctor and nurse left the boys gathered around the bed. "We're so happy you're awake!" Randy said, cheerfully. Don kissed the top of my head, "Now, everything will be okay."

A/N: I just wanted to update, so another short chapter. Its 2:30am, there might be typos I'll fix them later. Thank you for the votes, reads, and comments!❤

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