Chapter 16

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Soon enough everything went back to normal and we went back on tour. The doctor told me to see a therapist immediately, but we didn't know of any on the road docs. Everyone seemed to be on edge around me and it drove me insane. The bus ride was so fucking awkward I wanted to throw myself out of the vehicle. Thankfully we pulled up to the hotel, I was the first one out the door. With a huff I dragged my suitcases into the lobby, "Alright, I'm here with the Eagles band give me a room." The band wasn't big enough they didn't bother with other names like rainbow watersplash. Once I snatched the keys off the counter I stormed off to the elevator, "Hey Sara wait!" Stevie called but the door shut before she could enter.

Unlocking the door to the room, I flopped onto the bed. Yes, I was running away from my friends but damn it, all they did was baby me. I know I sounded ungrateful but it was just too much, it was suffocating. "Why couldn't everything go back to normal?" My groans were muffled by the comforter on the bed.

Someone knocked on my door and another groan escaped my lips, "Coming!" Stumbling to the door I turned the lock, "Yes?" Stevie was standing there, out of breath, and still holding her bags. "Didn't you hear me?" "Oh, did you call for me? I didn't hear you." My quick lie was scary, even for me. She nodded, "I wanted to tell you I'm in Don's room." I shrugged, "That's fine, I get a room to myself." Her smile concerned me, "No silly! Glenn is staying in your room. I hope thats okay?"

I nodded slowly, "Uh yeah, of course." Stevie hugged me, "You're the best!" She shut the hotel door behind her as she practically skipped to Don's room. I could only imagine what they'd be doing later on or maybe even in a few minutes. Dragging my suitcases to a corner, I threw my jacket on a chair. Looking at the bed I frowned, only one bed...perfect. I hadn't seen Glenn since the bus, he must be talking to the guys.

Kicking my shoes off, I laid down in the bed. The sheets felt good against my skin, I hated sleeping on the damn bus. Concrete would be more fucking comfortable than a bus. My eyes began to droop slowly before I could even finish my thought.

When I woke up, Glenn was sitting on the edge of the bed with a guitar, "Well good morning sleepy head." With a moan I rolled over so my back faced him. "Someone is grumpy hmm?"
I rolled over again, "Shush, I'm tired." He wrote something down on a pad of paper, "Didn't you sleep in the bus?" My eyes rolled back, "I hate sleeping on that damn bus." He kept writing stuff down, "How do you write a song and talk to me?"
Glenn shrugged his shoulders, "Dunno, its just happening right now."

Pushing my hair out of my face I continued watching him write the song, occasionally he'd hum while strumming the guitar. Most of the time he just wrote everything down. It was very very calming, a nice way to escape the hell of my life.

We stayed like that for what felt like hours, Glenn probably wrote enough songs for an album and a half but he kept going. Sometimes mumbling some words before jotting them down. I slept on and off, whenever I was awake I watched him. Everything just felt...right.

I gazed over at the clock, "Its midnight? Shit, I'll never sleep now." Glenn shook his head, "Well we can just talk until one of us falls asleep." My shoulders shrugged, "Sure, are we sharing a bed?" He started to crawl under the sheets, "I dont see why not." A grin formed on my lips, as I scooted over to make room for Glenn.

Once we were settled we sat there in silence, but it was a comfortable silence. "Let's talk about our childhoods and shit shall we?" Glenn asked, I nodded. So that started a long conversation on our past, but not traumatic things. Just all the happy memories, the things you want to remember.

Some how we got to talking about the last few weeks, "You know Sara the last few weeks really scared the shit out of me." My mouth opened to reply but Glenn continued. "I've never had to deal with anyone close to me dying before, my grandparents lived far away and it just didn't effect me that much. Don's dad died when he was young, he was the only one who had his head on right during the last few weeks. He took care of us all, but especially Steves."

That broke my heart, I couldn't imagine how Stevie was while I was in the coma. We hadn't talked much about it since it happened, we've just tried to move on. "How um-how did she deal with it?" I asked, staring down at my hands. "She never told you?" Glenn replied in disbelief. My head quickly shook, "We've tried to...ignore it I guess."
"Maybe it's time you guys talk about it? Can't be good to keep everything inside, yknow." I smirked, "Who needs a therapist when I have you?" He turned his head to look straight at me, we were so close I could feel his breath on my cheek. The next few moments happened so fast, I didn't have time to catch my breath. Glenn's lips met mine for the best kiss I've ever had. We separated and he grinned, "Well therapists usually can't do that."

Sorry it's been forever since I've updated, I'm trying to get back into the groove of things. Thank you so much for 1k reads!!💘

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