Chapter 25

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"Seraphina! Wait!" Glenn called, I heard his boots hitting the pavement as I ran down the street. "What Glenn? What the hell do you wanna say now?" I yelled at him, my eyes red from crying. "Its not what it looks like!" Glenn explained. "You know what Frey? It looks like that whore was all over you! So please try to defend yourself." I glared at him as he fumbled over his words. He scratched the back of his head, "She was someone Irving hired."

"So?" I screamed. "She came over and I was trying to get rid of her and you came in." He stammered. I looked up at the sky with a laugh, tears brimming my eyes. "You know Glenn," I looked him straight in the eyes, his blue orbs were full of regret. "There's going to be some heartache tonight." Glenn's eyes filled with tears as the words left my mouth, "Please Seraphina, baby please." He started to step closer to me.

"No Glenn, we're done." I turned back around walking down the lonely Los Angeles sidewalk, leaving the love of my life with only the soft noise from the street light.

I woke up to a knock on the door, I got off my couch and slowly made my way to the front door. Looking through the peep hole I saw a familiar face, "What's up Don?" I asked as I opened the door. "Wanted to see how you were doing." Don said like it was so obvious. "Don, I am fucking amazing!"

I walked back over to the couch, "I walked in on my boyfriend and some pretty much naked girl dancing around him, shaking her tits in his face, trying to climb on him. Obviously I broke up with him, he's the only fucking guy I've dated seriously and opened up to about what happened to me with my last boyfriend. I haven't told any other dude I dated about all that you know. He just decides to fucking slap me in the face, repeatedly!" I screamed at him. "The worst part is, I-I-I." tears started flowing down my cheeks as I stuttered. "I still love the bastard." I sobbed.

Don embraced me as I cried onto his shirt, "Shhh, Sara its okay. Its okay, its okay." I entangled my fingers into his mop of curls as I cried uncontrollably. I hadn't cried this hard in years, tears streamed down my cheeks as my heart shattered into a million pieces.  I had been so blessed with the life I had, and it all came crumbling down.

Several minutes later I looked up at the tall drummer, his light blue eyes meeting my darker ones. I looked at his shirt, "I ruined your shirt." I whimpered, looking at the marks from my running makeup. "Its okay." he said softly, tightening his grip around me.

I put my head back down on the messy shirt, crying softly. There's no way to describe how I felt, I wanted to die. Not really but my life seemed like it was falling apart around me and I was just having to deal with it. No one could understand how I felt, I couldn't even find a way for people to understand. Only way would be if you took your heart and smashed it into a million tiny pieces. That's how I felt.

Don ran his hand through my hair, "Shhh, its okay." I looked down at the ground, my tears falling onto my shoes. Don put his hand under my chin, gently raising my head up to look at him. He wiped some of the makeup off with his thumb, "That's a bit better." he smiled softly.

I sighed, "I guess I'll clean my face up." I slipped out of Don's grip to go to the bathroom. My smudged makeup was all over my cheeks and down my neck, I looked like something out of a horror movie. I wiped it off with a damp cloth leaving it on the side of the sink before stepping back into the room.

I heard Don whispering in the kitchen, "Glenn just fucking give it up okay? She doesnt want to talk to you right now man, give it a rest." I peaked around the corner to see him on the phone.

"You destroyed her Frey. I don't care, tell her that! Not now! Just in a couple days okay?" he hung up the phone and I walked into the room. He sighed, running a hand through his hair. He smiled right when he saw me, "Hey Sara." I waved, opening up the fridge and digging out a beer. I looked at the can, it was Glenn's favorite. I threw it in the near by trash, it landed in the empty can with a loud thud.

Don turned around quickly and watched as I threw the rest of it away.

"You're wasting good beer you know."

"Then you take it."

I walked over to the couch, twisting off the cap of the whiskey. I brought the bottle to my lips and chugged it. The phone rang again, I placed the bottle on the table. "I got it!" Don called. I could hear him talking quietly in the other room.

"Stevie? Yeah its me."

-"Oh you heard it from Glenn."

-"She's not really in a talking mood."

-"Yeah she's drinking...a lot."

-"I'll watch her, I don't think its good for you to come Steph."

-"I just got her to stop crying."

-"Okay, see you tomorrow Steph."

I heard him mess around in the kitchen a bit more after putting the phone down, he walked out with two plates in his hand. "Here." he handed me the small plate with a grilled cheese on it.

"I know that's your favorite." He said, sitting down next to me. I stared at the sandwich, the thought of eating made my already sick stomach even more nauseous but I gave him a small smile and started to eat.

After that I don't remember much, I drank more and more until Don decided it was enough and carried me to bed. I giggled, swinging my legs back and forth. "Your hair is so pretty Donald. Such pretty haaair, pretty pretty pretty." Don placed me on my bed and turned to leave, "Waaait!" I slurred, getting under the blankets.

"What Sara?" He asked, turning off the lights. "Stay with me?" Don sighed and walked back over to my bed, kicking off his boots. I giggled, "Yay!"

"Shhh." Don whispered, wrapping his arms around me. I snuggled into his chest with a smile and slowly fell asleep.

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