Chapter 4

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Its been three weeks since I've seen the Eagles, Stevie went off on tour, and I was all alone. I had just gotten back from getting the photos developed when my phone rang. Geo barked as I ran to get the phone, "Shhh George for fuck sake." 

"Ummm, hello?" Randy said quietly. I smiled, "Hi Randy!" 

"We're gonna need the pictures tomorrow Sara. I hope that's okay. Can you come to the studio tomorrow sometime?" 

"Sure, I'll see you then." I hung up the phone excited for the next day, I wondered why I hadn't seen the guys in a while. I got along with all of them especially Glenn, we were probably the closest thanks to our trip into Joshua Tree. The only one I didn't know  well was Bernie but he seemed odd. I shrugged, no sense in thinking about it now.


I walked up to the front desk of the studio,  a red haired receptionist greeted me. "Hey Lisa." I said to her, "Where are the Eagles?" she smiled, "Floor three, studio 6." I nodded and headed towards the elevator.  This was the same studio I use, I knew it inside and out. 

I opened the door, the studio was huge probably the biggest in the building. "Wow, this is fucking huge."

The dark haired woman sitting at the control panel turned around, it was Linda Ronstadt.

"Sara!" She jumped up from her seat and hugged me. I hugged her back, "Linda? What are you doing here?" 

"I know the guys, Glenn and Don used to play in my backup band. You were there you don't remember?" the shocked look on her face means I should have remembered this. 

Only problem was, I didn't. "I barely do, I didn't hang out with your band that much." I swallowed hard. Linda playfully hit my arm, "I'm kidding! What are you doing here?" 

"Oh yeah, well I took pictures for their album and Randy told me to come here." I replied. Linda pressed a button on the control panel, "Hey! Sara's here guys." I then noticed the band were recording behind the glass. They put their instruments down and walked into the room.

I handed Glenn the pictures, "Here, they're all developed and in this envelope." Don took the envelope out of his hands and pulled out the pictures, "Damn these look really good." 

I blushed as the pictures were passed around, "Can I use you sometime?" Linda asked. I nodded, "Yeah, I just do it for a hobby and sometimes I get paid." 

Linda started to leave the room, she turned around to face me. "Well that'll be more than sometime soon." she shut the door behind her, leaving me with the guys. I slipped out of the door while they were still looking at the pictures, I felt awkward staying around more. 

I walked down the hall until I heard, "Seraphina?" I stopped, "Yeah?"

"We want you to come back, c'moon doll." Glenn pleaded. I smiled, "Alrighty."


"Yeah Steph, I won't have too much fun without you. I'll see you soon, love you too." I hung up the phone backstage. I was back at the Troubadour, the Eagles had another show and they wanted me to come. I sat down on the same couch as before, watching the scene in front of me unfold. I was totally shocked when Kris Kristofferson sat down next to me. 

"Funny seeing you again." He said with one of his legendary smiles. I melted in my seat, "Ever get that picture developed?" I nodded, digging through my bag pulling out another large envelope. "Here."

He studied the picture of himself, "I think that's the best I've looked in a long time." 

I blushed, Kris reached into his pocket pulling out his wallet. "How much should I pay you?" I waved my hands in the air, "No no! Its okay! That's just a copy!" 

"You see darlin', I wanna use this copy or not. How much?" He winked. "I have no idea honestly." I shrugged. Kris got up, "I have to go on stage now but I want your number I'll call you." He walked up the steps to the stage leaving the envelope with his wife, Rita Coolidge and leaving me absolutely flabbergasted. 

Glenn grinned, walking up to me. "I know Kristofferson is amazing but don't forget about us now." I smiled, "I could never!" 

"Good! We want you around and we want you to take more pictures, our manager really liked the ones you took." I blushed, "I'll be happy to do that for you guys." 

Glenn smiled, "I would hope so, you and Steph are our biggest fans." I scoffed, "Hey, I never said I was a fan." It was fun teasing them, especially Glenn who was a big teaser himself.

The Eagles were going to be the last performance of the night so I was determined to take pictures of them Not posed ones, candids they were my favorite for sure.
I ended up with a picture of Don and Glenn, which wasn't too bad considering.

I ended up with a picture of Don and Glenn, which wasn't too bad considering

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"That shirt is so damn ugly." I said to Glenn as he walked past me. He gasped with a hand over his heart, "My mother bought me this shirt!"

 Don took a sip from his beer can, "More like you got it from a thrift store and it was dirt cheap.  Glenn shot him a glare as I snickered off to the corner. Glenn Lewis Frey had finally met his match.

A/N: This chapter is okay so yeaaah. I hope you guys enjoy this please vote and comment!

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