Chapter 27

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*Third person*

Randy laughed as he watched Shaggy and Scooby being chased around by a zombie, he looked down to see Sara's reaction. A smile tug on his lips when he saw that she was asleep, she probably needed the sleep. Don walked into the room with a huff, "Randy could ya please turn down the cartoons?" Randy put a finger up to his lips, "Shhh."

Don looked at Randy, he was just about to tell him to not shush him. Then he noticed the sleeping Sara on his shoulder. He couldn't help but smile this was probably the first time she fell asleep without alcohol in a month. Don bent down in front of the tv and turned it down before walking over to the couch. He sat down next to Randy, looking over at the sleeping brunette.

"Shit she hasn't slept like that in a month." He mumbled, running his hand through his hair. Randy frowned, "She looks so tired." Don nodded, "She's only slept after drinking, which was everyday. Stevie wants me to keep her from booze entirely but-"

"You don't know what she'd do instead." Randy finished his sentence and the drummer nodded. They turned their attention back to the colorful cartoon playing, laughing together. It was almost like back when they just formed as a band. It didn't matter how quick the songs were written or when they toured. It was just 4 friends playing music together with two great girls by their side.

"Has Glenn called you, Randy?" the long haired bassist nodded. "Yeah, he wanted advice. I told him to give her time and just wait."

Don laughed, "I told him the same thing, first he didn't listen. He called the night of and day after. Then Stevie stopped by, I'm thinking Glenn told her what happened." he started to get out of his chair, "Hey man, mind if I go out there's some things I need to do." He had been needing to run errands for a while but Sara didn't want to go out and he didn't want to leave her alone.

"Go ahead, I'm staying in town anyways." Randy replied, the wife and kids were in Nebraska. He had a big fight with his wife before he got on his flight. Jennifer was jealous of Sara, she thought something went on between her husband and the girl. Which was false, there was never anything between the two besides being friends.

With a shrug Don thanked his friend and walked out of the house, leaving the two alone. The phone started to ring and Randy tried to grab it without waking up Sara. He successfully grabbed it,


"Why am I not surprised you're there?"

"Jennifer?" The man wasn't too surprised his wife had called.

"Why are you there?" She repeated raising her voice more.

"Jennifer please, we're writing for a new album. We're about to record, you know this happens every time." He responded calmly.

"But why are you at her house?" Jennifer was getting irritated with her husband.

"I'm at Sara's house because Don asked me to watch her. He went to do some things." Randy sighed, the trust his wife had in him was phenomenal really.

"What is she a child?" She echoed, Randy held the phone away from his ear.

"No, we just don't want her to hurt herself. She's asleep right now Jen, c'mon."

Finally she sighed, "Ugh you're right, I'm sorry honey. Good luck, I love you."

"Love you too." He mumbled, putting the phone down on the receiver.

Randy's marriage wasn't in the best shape at the moment but it wasn't like he could do much about it. Too many people needed him here in California. Maybe he should have just moved them all here, he thought. Then he looked down at the small singer, fast asleep on his shoulder. He smiled lifting his arm slightly to wrap around her shoulders.
Squeezing her gently he shook his head, no he shouldn't have moved his family here. He wouldn't have had this if he did.

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