Chapter 21

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"Glenn? What the hell are you doing here?" I hissed, he was the last person in the whole world I wanted to see. Yet my heart started to race once I saw him out there.
"What the hell is this?" He held up his hand, holding up an article of clothing.
"That's mine." I whispered, it must have been left at Jackson's....which is also Glenn's.

"I know, that's why I'm here." His hand pushed the door open and out of my grip. "Dude, what the fuck??" I backed up into the house and he followed me. "It's just a jacket!!" 

"That you left at Jackson's which is cluttered with your little doodles and shit!! Are you two fucking now? I've seen how you two act!!" Glenn's voice echoed in my hallway.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, he was jealous??
"Why do you even care? We're just hanging out! At least he actually acknowledges my existence!"

"You can't just go around and fuck one of my closest friends and not expect me to be a little mad?" I stared at him in disbelief, "You're kidding right? This has nothing to do with you, also I'm not fucking him!"

Glenn rolled his eyes with a scoff, "Of course you're not."

"Tell me you didn't fuck a bunch of girls in England huh? I'm pretty damn sure you did, but I wouldn't know since I had no idea where you were!" He was infuriating me, if I could have pushed him out of a window I would have.

"Why would I fuck anyone in England? I was working!"

"I bet you were! There has to be some reason why you're ignoring me, I understand if you don't want to date or whatever I get it!! You don't have to cut me out of your life and treat me like shit!!"

We both got closer, pointing fingers in each other's faces. "You've barely been around, you just ran off to your beloved Jackson!"

"Beloved?" I shrieked, my hands reaching up to my hair and tugging on it. "You are such a stubborn pain in the ass! I can't believe I ever thought you were a decent guy, you just played me!!" Tears started to well in my eyes, but I blinked them away. This was not the time to let my guard down.

"I didn't know what to do okay??" He blurted out, leaving me to stare at him.


"I didn't know what to do, you were the first girl I've actually head over hills liked since this whole band thing happened. Of course I've had flings, but you meant something."

My head shook back and forth, "You can't do that! You can't just play with my feelings like that!!" I wasn't done yelling at him yet, I was so mad at him I could barely manage to look at him. "How was I supposed to know you felt that way Glenn? You just blew me off!! Now you're getting mad at me for hanging out with other males?? You never told me what the hell we were!!"

Our bodies pressed up against each other as I cornered him against the wall, still screaming at him. "You can't just snap at me and avoid me just because you don't know how to deal with big boy feel-" A gasp left my mouth as Glenn slammed his mouth against mine. Rising to my tip toes, I let my hands tangle in his hair as his arms wrapped around my waist.

His lips grazed my neck causing a moan to escape from me. I tightened my grip on his locks as his hands wandered around my body. Glenn picked me up off the ground and my legs wrapped around his waist, "Take me to the bedroom." I whispered, leaving kisses down his jawline.

"You sure?" Glenn placed his hands on my back, I nodded still trying to kiss him. "No, hold on a minute."

Looking at him, I tilted my head to the side. "What is it?"

"Well I didn't know cause of what happened and..." his voice trailed off as he looked around nervously. My mind clicked with what he was trying to say, "Oh, I've done it since that happened. Just go slow okay?" Sex always made me nervous since what happened so long ago, the first time after that attack was awful but I've gotten better. This time was different though, I didn't feel nervous. I felt comfortable.

Glenn grinned as his hands went around my waist, "Lets go to your room then, shall we?"


Light peered through the drapes and hit my face, making me squint. I tried to roll over but something was stopping me, looking down a smile spread across my face. Glenn had wrapped himself around me, resting his head on my chest. My fingers ran through his hair as I played with different strands. It drove me crazy how attracted I was to him, but somehow it all seemed worth it for moments like this.

It would be cheesy to say it seemed like birds were chirping and butterflies were fluttering by the window, but that's what it seemed like. Everything just seemed right. Times like these could make you forget about how hectic life really was, you suddenly forget everything that's troubling you and live in the moment. Even if it's just those few minutes of tranquility, in the long run it really makes life worth living.

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