Chapter 25

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My head shot up as I felt my throat become incredibly dry. I started to hyperventilate as Jahseh woke up slowly, he quickly brought his attention to me. His face filled with guilt as he palmed his head.

"London, control yourself." He said to me as I felt my breathing become heavy and my fangs come out of my gums.

"I forgot to pack blood." He told me as my eyes flashed a purple. I couldn't find the words so hissing came out of my mouth as I got up from my bed.

When I was in this state I couldn't control myself. I ran fast as I felt Jahseh behind me trying to hold my body, but I burned him.

"FUCK!" He yelled as he shook his body, his burns healed slowly as I rolled my eyes.

"London, you have to stop." He said as I felt my inner self fighting my hunger.

I screamed from the top of my lungs as he quickly brought a blanket putting it over me. He hugged me tightly as he bit his wrist.

"Drink from it but don't kill me." He said as he chuckled. "I'll teach you how to hunt after." He added as I grabbed his arm aggressively.

"Prey on the weak." He said as he pointed to a homeless person. We were currently out at 2 am in the morning, the streets were dark and there were barely any people on them.

"You want me to kill him?" I said as he smirked.

"Yes indeed." He said as I felt my heart beat faster.

"Jah, I can't do that. He's innocent, he's done nothing to me." I said as his changed yellow focusing on me.

I soon couldn't see anything but the homeless man and Royalty. He was hitting her repeatedly, she was screaming for help but no one cared. I tried to yell for her but no one could hear me, nor see me. She bled from her wounds as she soon came unconscious. The homeless man smiled and spitted on her. 

Rage filled my body as I could now see the homeless man in my view, I looked to my side seeing Jahseh smirking at me.

"Kill him." He said.

Without hesitation my eyes flashed a purple as I ran over to him in heated anger. I strangled him bringing him to an empty alley. He grabbed my arms trying to free himself but of course I was stronger than him.

I held him on the wall as my hand around his neck became tighter. His feet dangled off of the ground as he looked at me with widened eyes. I gave him a laugh and a smile before sinking my teeth into his neck.

I felt stronger as I emptied his veins of blood. His screams were getting lower as his body became unconscious. Soon enough he wasn't moving and there's was a shortage of his blood. I slowly removed my fangs from his now pale body as the limp body fell from my hands. Blood dropped from my lip as I licked them.

I got up from the floor as Jahseh grabbed my face kissing me deeply. He let go giving me a devious smile.

"Good girl." He said looking deep into my eyes as I smiled.

"What do we do with the body?" I asked him as he grabbed my hands from behind me. He pointed them towards the mans body.

"Fire." He whispered in my ear as I nodded. I felt my hands come to a boiling temperature as fire fueled from my hands and towards the man.

"Don't stop until he's ash, okay?" He said to me as I nodded.

7 hours later

"Hey baby." I said to Royalty as she showed the ceiling not knowing to show her face on FaceTime.

"Hai mama." She replied as I smiled.

"What are you doing?" I asked her as she showed her forehead.

"Nuffin, me gonna ask uncki Ski to take me to park." She said as I laughed.

"Well be careful baby. You wanna talk to daddy?" I asked her as she showed her face excitedly.

"Yeth!" She said as I laughed. I got out of my bed and into the living room as I handed the phone to Jahseh. He frowned as he took the phone slowly.

"Who's this?" He said in a whisper.

"Your daughter." I told him as he quickly showed his face.

"HI PRINCESS!" He yelled as she showed her face.

"HAI DADDY!" She yelled back as I laughed. I walked back into the bed room as I plopped down on the bed.

I turned the tv on as I decided to get comfortable. I got under the covers as I thought back to today. I killed a man without caring, at the time it felt amazing but now I feel ashamed of myself.

Me and Jahseh has a long argument after the killing, I was upset that he would put a traumatic scene like that into my head. It just made me 10 times more protective of Royalty. Which is why we were leaving Dubai in a week.  He agreed to it but I know he didn't want to.


                            3 hours later

I got a ding on my phone as I picked it up in curiosity, everyone knows I'm here with London. I clicked the power button as it showed my dad texted me. My heart started to beat rapidly as I looked at the message.

Dwayne: What is this that I hear my son?

Me: About?

Dwayne: Don't play dumb with me Jahseh. You're in love with the Bambelic? You have a child also?

Me: Yes, but it's all apart of the plan, I promise. It won't be a problem.

Dwayne: But it is, get rid of her and that reckless offspring, before I do it myself. Do you understand?

Me: Yes father, of course.

I'm sorry London.

Oh man god damn. 🙈

This is also ending soon ☺️ sowwy guys. Ion think y'all gone like this ending.


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