Chapter 21

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I don't get why I could have 400 reads on a chapter and not get 400 votes.

Instead I get 50.


I walked into the kitchen as I yawned. I smelled breakfast food and I was curious to why since we don't really need food. I was revealed to Jahseh making scrambled eggs while Royalty drank milk from her bottle in her high chair.

I wrapped my hands around his torso as I laid my head on his back. I've never thought I could be so attached to one person.

"You're cooking?" I asked him as I brought my hands to his shoulders massaging them a bit.

"No, I just turned the stove on, grabbed a pot and put eggs in it." He said sarcastically as I laughed playfully hitting him in the back. 

I walked over to Royalty as she continually smacked the high chair. 

"Hi babygirl." I said as she smiled.

"Mama." She babbled as I gasped looking over at Jahseh.

"Did you hear that?" I said as he smiled looking over at me.

"She still said dada first." He said playfully rolling his eyes as I chuckled bringing my attention back to Roy.

"Yay!" I said clapping as she clapped also with the biggest smile.

"What do you guys want to do today?" Jahseh said as he took some of the eggs out putting them on a plate.

"So you're making food. Royalty's drinking milk. And then you wanna go out. What's going on?" I said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"It's just feels good to be normal now and then. Being a blood sucker gets old." He said turning back around taking sausage from another pot putting in on a plate. I walked over to him as I grabbed his face to look at me knowing he was lying.

"No Jah, what's wrong?" I said once again as he sighed. He hesitated before speaking again.

"I feel as if I held you back for eternity. I was going to let you live London, I wanted you to experience life. I should've let you just live. I could've gave you money to set you for life and never told you about your witch side but I did, and now I gave you a life full of worries, and a baby that drinks blood." He said as he looked down shuffling his feet.

"You saved me from a life full of worries, if you never would've made me move in with you I would've been dead by now. You gave me a reason to live. You gave me my daughter, I could go on and on." I paused.

"Jahseh I love you and this life. If anything I'm beyond grateful to live eternity with you." I said giving him a passionate kiss on the lips as he grabbed my thighs lifting me on the counter.

"Royalty." I said in between a kiss as I pushed him away with a smile.

"We should plan a trip." I said as I dangled my feet from the counter. He stayed in between my legs as he looked up at me.

"Like what?" He said as I thought.

"I've always wanted to see Bora Bora." I said as he smiled.

"I would love to take you there." He said kissing my lips as he grabbed my waist helping me down from the counter.

"How about we stay a month in Bora Bora with Royalty and we get a month to ourselves in Dubai right after?" He suggested as I filled with joy at the idea of it.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes." I said as he laughed.

We got a knock on the door. I walked over to it looking through the peep hole revealing Harmony and Stokeley. I quickly opened the door as we screamed.

"LONDON!" She screamed as she jumped on me. We fell to the ground as we continued to hug each other. She kissed me all over my face as I laughed. Stokeley came into the house closing the door.

"Get your fat ass off meee." I dragged out as I pushed her to the side. We both got up from the ground as she stared to sniff.

"I smell food." She said as she ran. I laughed as I brought my attention on Stokeley.

"Hi pokey." I said giving him a tight hug as he coughed for air.

"Moveee." He said as he playfully pushed me.

"You love me." I said jumping on his back as he tried to wiggle me off but I stayed on.

"JAHSEH GET YOUR FEROCIOUS ANIMAL!" He yelled as I punched him in his back.

"Fine, I'll find a new bwest fwend." I said pouting as I crossed my arms stomping away. He laughed as we both walked into the kitchen where Harmony and Jahseh was.

"London you didn't tell me you adopted." She said as she looked at Royalty. Fuck. Jahseh gritted his teeth with a shrug as I palmed my head.

The last time I've seen Harmony was about three months ago. It wouldn't make since if I magically carried a baby for 9 months.

"Oh, yeah." I said as I took Royalty from her high chair and onto my hip.

"Why does she look like Jahseh?" She said as she looked in confusion.

"Well, um we wanted a child who looked similar to one of us." I said as her face still looked like she wasn't buying it.

"O-okay." She said as we could all tell she was still confused.

"Harmony, come with me." I said as I gestured for her to follow me. I handed Royalty to Jahseh as he gave me a death stare.

"I can't have her clueless." I mumbled to him as his eyes began to turn yellow.

"Don't." He said as turned away from him. She deserved to know. I walked up the stairs as she followed behind me. We finally reached me and Jahseh's room.

"What's wrong?" She asked as we both sat down on my bed. 

"There's something I have to tell you, that you have to promise to keep to yourself. This could get you killed but I can't keep acting like everything's normal nee." I said to her as she nodded.

"So me, Stokeley and Jahseh, we're uh- see what had happened was I -"

"I know." She said cutting me off as I gave her a confused look.

Her eyes slowed turned red as she used a hand force to put one of Jah's stuffed animals in my hand.

"Trust me, I know."

I stayed home just so I could update🤓 who's tuffer then me bitch 🤓✌🏽


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