Chapter 1

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Play song. There was no loop to this song so just replay when it finishes.

I shifted in my bed as I winced in pain from my back. I had a very thin mattress and only felt mostly metal springs when I slept. I looked over to my clock seeing it was 4:00 am. This was when I usually woke up to go to school. I got dressed so early so I wouldn't have to come face to face with my father.

I rapidly rushed up from my bed as I went under it pulling out my bin full of clothes. If I didn't hide my clothes they would all be ripped. I opened the bin pulling out some reasonable clothes. Even though they'll probably be ruined from the people at school. Thank god it was my last year. I closed the bin as I shoved them back under. I walked into my bathroom as I set down the clothes on the blood stained counter.

I turned the shower knob as I quickly hopped in being aware of the temperature. Freezing water made my bruises feel numb. I looked down as my eyes roamed my body. Blue and purple on every centimeter of skin. I felt my face get heated as I felt streams of tears coming from my brown colored eyes. The water hit me from the chest down.

I traced over my skin as I sniffed. I grabbed the Irish spring soap as I spreaded it all over my body. The freezing water numbed the bruises so I couldn't feel as much. I used my hands to wash myself as I felt the soap wash away. I turned the knob hopping out knowing I didn't have much time.

I dried myself off with the clothes I was wearing before and put on the outfit I had laid out. It was a regular white t-shirt with some sweatpants. I wore whatever didn't hug my body tight so my father wouldn't stare.

I put my hair in a messy bun and made my way back into my small bedroom. I grabbed my duffle bag which carried my books and my work clothes. I worked for my own money since my mother or father damn well wasn't going to feed me. They don't even like to look at me. My mother looks at me in disgust and my father uses me for his needs and outbursts.

I've tried multiple suicide attempts but they all ended with me in the hospital and getting beat and raped when we got home. I gave up as I accepted the fact I'll never have a place to call home. Satan didn't even want me.

I slowly opened my door looking down the hallway making sure the coast was clear. I continued to walk down the hallway as I tippy toed but quickly stopped in my tracks once I saw my father downstairs drinking vodka from his shot cups. To my luck the floor creaked as his head quickly snapped towards me, our eyes locked. His eyebrows furrowed as he began to walk towards me.

I ran back into my room as I locked the door. My heart ran rapidly as he banged on the door shaking the knob. I ran to the window as I struggled to unlock it.

"Come on, open the door. Daddy needs you." He slurred as I cried. "I'll go slow this time."

I felt vomit in my mouth as I finally opened the window. I put my feet first and jumped out as I scraped my skin from the branches. I winced in pain as I picked up my bag. I ran into the woods with a limp. That's mostly every morning he's awake.

I grabbed my iPhone 4 out of my pocket and my earphones. I plugged them into my phone as I turned on Bird by Billie Marten. Music kept me gave me the little sanity I had. I walked as the leaves under me crunched. I looked up at the fading moon feeling connected to a different world. I imagined I had a normal family, a boyfriend, and friends.

My focus was quickly interrupted by an intense wind like someone ran past me but fast as hell. The woods was always weird though. I continued to walk the short cut to school. I stopped by the fort I had there as I grabbed some water putting it into my bag.

2 hours later

After waiting in the fort it was finally time to head to school. I loved school and hated it. It was a place I got to stay away from the madness at home. But, people constantly teared me down there as well. I looked at the school from a distance as I seen people walk in.. content with their normal lives.

I walked towards the school as I entered the big doors getting stares from everyone. I'm pretty sure they thought I was homeless to how I was dressed and how I carried a duffle bag everywhere.. but I honestly didn't give a fuck.

I quickly walked to my locker as I took my books out of my bag shoving it into the red colored locker. Before I know it I was pushed into the the wall as my tooth dug into my upper lip. I turned around to see Jahseh, Stokeley and the rest of his people laughing.

Jahseh didn't laugh though, he just gave me a death stare. He looked back at his friends as he rolled his eyes. He was immature enough to constantly fuck with me but too mature for the people he hanged around.

I looked down at my hands seeing blood running from my lip and tears falling as well. I ran to the bathroom and shut the door. I spit blood out into the sink as I sobbed.

I could never escape it.

I rinsed my mouth with water as I looked back up into the mirror seeing my bruises lip forming into a bubble. I scuffed as I opened the door. Harmony was about to walk in but quickly hugged me when she saw me.

Harmony was more on the popular side of the girls. She mostly stood up for me when her friends were doing too much. Even though she never hanged around me or risked being seen with me she still managed to be there for me.

She pushed me back into the bathroom as she locked the door.

"Jahseh?" She asked as I nodded. She scrunched up her face like she was disgusted.

"I swear that dickhead needs to get a fucking life." She said as she clapped her hands with a heavy Memphis accent.

"Don't worry, I'm used to it. Thank you though." I said with a smile. She nodded with a slight smile as she hugged me again.

She unlocked the door telling me to stay back. She walked out as I counted 10 seconds for me to walk out after.

10 minutes later

I walked into first period as I walked to the back hoping not to be seen. I put my head down as I heard the teacher talk about the daily work on the screen.

All of a sudden I felt a powerful force pushing me out of me seat. I looked up but saw no one. All I saw was Jahseh smirking as everyone laughed thinking I just busted my ass.

I quickly got up as I tried to sit down but my desk totally fell over, I seen Jahseh move his hand under the table as my head hit the floor making a smacking sound as if someone slammed it.

The teacher quickly ran over helping me up asking if I was okay. As soon as she saw blood bleeding from my head she quickly told someone to get a administrator.

My vision started to get dizzy as I soon was filled with darkness.



Break Of Dawn | Jahseh Onfroy | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now