Chapter 13

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You off work babes?☺️💕 jahsehwifey


"This is your room my love." Cleo said as she basically walked me through a dungeon. There was torches for light instead of regular fucking lightbulbs. If I thought Jahseh's house needed to be updated I was mistaken. I walked into the room seeing the stoned walls and a black bed with torches on each side giving me light.

"I left some clothes on your bed dear, join us for training in 5 minutes." She said as she left me in my room. I walked over to my bed seeing the clothes. It was the exact thing she was wearing but had slits in the legs.

After getting into the clothing she gave me and the heels I immediately got a knock on my door. I walked towards it as I opened it. A girl bowed down and got up again before speaking.

"Hello our princess, follow me." She said as she gestured to follow her. Princess?

"Excuse me but, I'm not the princess." I said as she turned to look at me.

"London, correct?" She said as I nodded. "Yes, Saleh's your prince. It's been announced for a few months." She said as I continued to follow her. I didn't know what the fuck was going on, all I wanted to do was get back to Jahseh.

After turning a few corners we arrived at a large room. It held about 15 to 20 girls in the same outfit. Cleo lead in front of them as she gestured for me to stand with her. The girl bowed down once again before I walked over with Cleo.

"Students, this is your princess. I would be polite to her considering she's the most powerful in the room." She said as all the girls bowed down. Where the fuck am I?

"Gloria, come forward." Cleo said as another brown skinned girl came forward now face to face with me.

"You ladies will both create a force against each other. Who ever reaches the wall first is out of training for the week." Cleo said as Gloria smirked at me preparing to raise her hands. I nodded at Cleo as I felt rage spread once again.

"1..2..3! NOW!" Cleo yelled as the girls force pushed me back. I raised my hands as I felt a vigorous force come out of my hands. The girls face turned into complete shock as she was now sliding back. I must of let my anger come over me..

Instead of her reaching the wall I sliced her neck open.


"STOKELEY SHE'S NOT HERE!" I yelled as Stokeley rubbed his head in stress.

"I KNOW THAT JAH, CALM DOWN!" He yelled back as his eyes glowed red.

"We're going to have to contact Geneva, She's the only one that can probably track her." Stokeley said as my head snapped towards.

"Oh hell nah." I said as he shrugged.

"What else are you going to do? She's surrounded by a energy that won't even let your marking track her. You have no choice really. " He said as I nodded.

"Ok ok, shut yo ass up. I'll call her." I said as Stokeley rolled his eyes flashing off to wherever .

I took my phone out of my pocket as I tapped to contacts. I scrolled down to Geneva's name as I tapped the call button. It rung twice before someone picked up.

"X?" She said in a confused tone as my body tensed at the sound of her voice.

"I need your help." I replied as I heard as huff.

"What kind of help?" She asked.

"I need you to track a Bambelic witch. You can get whatever in return." I said as I heard shuffling behind the phone.

"I don't want anything from you, but I'll help. You live in the same area?" She said.

"Yes. Thank you." I replied.



"You really called her?" Stokeley said in the distance as I scrunched my face at him.

"You fucking told me to." I replied as he laughed.

"Aaaaahhh." He laughed as he walked away. I hated when he did that.

2 hours later

After patiently waiting on the couch in the main room we finally heard a knock on the door. I quickly flashed over to the door opening it. A focused Geneva came walking in as her curly hair bounced.

"Genevaaaa." Stokeley dragged out as she mugged him.

"Fuck you Ski." She replied as she sat on the floor bringing out candles from her bag.

"Don't start with this shit guys. Let's just find London." I said as Stokeley nodded. She placed the candles in a circle as she lit them one by one.

"Ew, they stink." Stokeley said as he fanned his nose. I chuckled a little because he was right about that one. Geneva scuffed as she turned to me.

"Do you have anything of hers that she's worn?" She asked me as nodded in response. I quickly went upstairs grabbing the underwear she changed out of and going back downstairs putting it in the middle of her candles. She crossed her legs as she closed her eyes.

"Alaie cooui aubgwa." She repeated as she glided her hands over the fire.

"ALAIE!" She yelled as the fire raised making me and Stokeley flinch.

"Damn bitch." Stokeley mumbled as we laughed. I don't know what I would do without his goofy ass to be honest.

"She's with our son." She said as my head snapped towards her.

"Our what?" I replied as she scuffed.

"Our son Jahseh. Saleh." She replied as I now remembered what she was talking about. Saleh? The name sounded familiar.

"What would he need to take her for?" I questioned as she continued to do her spell.

"T-they're training her. She's going to rule by him, they want to kill you." She said as she looked around as if she was in a room.

"Who's 'they'?" I questioned as she looked around once more.

"Your mother, Cleo."


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