Chapter 17

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You can do it😔.

2 weeks later

I woke up to crying as I sighed turning over. My eyes locked on Royalty in her crib as her little legs and arms stretched.

I smiled to myself as I quickly got up walking over to her crib. Thanks to Cleo she found a spell that delays the burning for a year, then she'll repeat it. I rubbed her stomached as she babbled.

"Hi babygirl." I said in a baby voice as I picked her up. I felt a thirst in my throat which meant I needed blood.

Saleh didn't really like the fact the Royalty was in my room since she's a variety a types just like her father. It was the first blood I tasted so it's the blood I crave more than any of them.

Since I've became a vampire everyone treats me as if they're afraid. Cleo explained to me what happened the last time a Bambelic witch turned into a vampire as well. She went bat shit crazy.. killed her family then herself.

I bounced Royalty in my arms as she played with my hair. I put my slippers on as I proceeded to walk down the dungeon looking hallway. I wanted to move in with Saleh somewhere..even a apartment, but I have a class of witches that looked up to me now and it would be wrong to leave.

Either way I would have to arrange something because I literally get too fucking territorial around Royalty. I've killed 2 people so far just because they touched her.

I approached the large kitchen as I put her on the counter. She was born 2 weeks ago but was at the growth of a 3 month old.

A/N: (This is their daughter, I'm so in love with this because she literally looks like Jah and her😭😩😍 You'll continue to get photos of her☺️)

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A/N: (This is their daughter, I'm so in love with this because she literally looks like Jah and her😭😩😍 You'll continue to get photos of her☺️)

I grabbed one of her bottles from the counter as I grabbed a frozen blood bag from the freezer. I sat it down in front of me as I glided my hands over it fueling fire from my palms.

Suddenly out of my peripheral vision I seen Royalty fall off of the counter. My head immediately snapped to her in shock but she didn't fall on the ground.. she just levitated in the air as she giggled.

I smiled as I grabbed her from her floating state putting her back on the counter. I ripped the blood bag as I poured it into her bottle. Once again she fell off of the counter as she giggled louder. I rolled my eyes as she smiled at me. This was going to be a problem.

3 hours later

Me and Saleh laid on my bed as Royalty laid between us. She constantly played with his fingers as we laughed. 

"I've been thinking about something lately." I said as he attention focused on me.

"Speak your mind." He said as he then looked back at Royalty cooing at her.

"We need to move Saleh." I said as his head snapped up towards me.

"Why?" He asked.

"I can't keep killing people every time they come near my daughter. I've been through too much shit in my child hood and I just want to make sure she'll never even get close to that. Jahseh already brings her bad reputation and I don't need her in here with hundreds of witches that hate his guts." I said as he nodded.

"Whatever makes you happy Lon." He said as he kissed my cheek. I smiled in relief as he pulled me into a hug but still leaving room for Roy. We looked down at her as she babbled at us.

"Doesn't it feel a bit weird that she's your sister?" I asked him as he chuckled.

"Not much at all. I've never looked at Jahseh as a father figure, he's far too immature. Royalty's biologically my sister but I'll always treat her like my daughter." He said as he smiled down at her. I nodded as I kissed him.

"Thanks for being here Saleh." I said as he nodded slightly.

"Of cour-" he got interrupted by yelling downstairs and chants. We looked at each as we quickly got up. I held Roy in my arms tightly as we both flashed downstairs.

It was coming from the announcing room. Saleh told me to stay back as he walked towards it peeking through the crack as the yelling became louder. He face turned confused as he then gestured me to come look also.

I peeped through the crack seeing Stokeley and Jahseh held up by ropes and each of the witches having knives in their hands. They looked exhausted as blood dripped from them. They looked unbothered as if they didn't care.

"THESE ARE THE PEOPLE THAT KILLED OUR CHILDREN! THESE OUR THE PEOPLE THAT KILLED OUR PARENTS! THESE OUR THE PEOPLE THAT TORMENTED OUR LIVES!" A girl screamed as Cleo stood beside her. The crowd went apeshit. Cleo looked down as her face filled with sorrow. I know she loved Jahseh, but the things he's done she couldn't forgive.

The witch lit a torch as her eyes then locked with mine.

"Princess, will you do the honor?" She asked as I looked at Saleh. He looked at me with a blank expression.

"KILL THEM, KILL THEM, KILL THEM!" The crowd yelled as the girl smiled walking over to me handing me the torch. I used my other arm giving Royalty to Saleh.

The people cheered as I walked down one of the aisles. Stokeley and Jahseh looked at me in confusion. I didn't want to do it at all, but if I didn't I would be known as a traitor.

I continued to walk down until I was completely in front of them. Some witches from behind them poured gas on them. The people just cheered on and cheered on excited for the next move.

Everything started to go in slow motion as Jahseh's eyes locked with mine. I added my other hand onto the end of the torch to swing but I couldn't. When I'm looking into his eyes it's like looking into Royalty's. 

Instead of swinging it at him I swinged it at the witch that spoke. She screamed in pain as Cleo quickly ran over to Jahseh and Stokeley cutting their ropes.

The witches started to argue in the crowd as I helped Stokeley up and Cleo helped Jahseh. We quickly walked out of the announcing room and into one of the hallways.

Saleh bounced Royalty as she cried. Jahseh glanced at her for about two seconds before totally passing out.

"London, pack as much blood and money as you can then we're leaving." Cleo said as she held Jahseh in her arms.

"W-why, where are we going?" I stuttered in confusion from everything going on.

"Somewhere far away from here, and must never return."


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