"Aight i'm ready to go".

"Lets go then"she got up off the sofa and walked out of her house.

We got in her car and headed over to the basket ball court.

"You'll get along with these quite well so don't worry Lisa"she smiled at me before she got out of the car.

"I ain't worrying i'm just wondering what type of people they are and will i have some trouble with them".

"Naw i don't think you'll have trouble with any of them,some of them you're gunna click quite well with".

Well i wonder who some of them are.We walked over to the basketball court and some of the boys were playing basketball,the girls were stood up or either sat down on the bench's.

"Hey guys i got a friend i want ya'll to meet"Ro announced making some of them turn around and look at me but a few of them still had their backs to me.

"Yo Lisa,is that you"my old friend Clifford said surprised.

"Yeh it is"i smiled and he came over and hugged me tightly.

"Right don't squeeze me to death with yo big ass"i said making him laugh.

"Ya'll know each other"Ro asked.

"Yeh remember when i told you i moved down here with my grand momma".


"Well i met Clifford and i met this other dude called Reggie,anyways where is he cliff".

"He'll be coming soon he said he had to take something to his grandma's".

"Oh okay".

"Right imma introduce you to my two main girls"Ro said.


She walked me over to the bench's where they were sat.

"Hey Aaliyah,Ki this is Lisa my friend i've knew for quite a while"Ro introduced me to them and they gave me a hug.

"Nice to meet you"they both said at the same time creepily.

"It's nice to meet you shorty,i'm brat but my real name is shawntae but i prefer brat"this girl with braids and a nose piercing said as she stuck her hand out and i shook it.

"It's nice to meet you too but imma just tell you this i ain't into studs girl"i said making Ro,Aaliyah and Ki laugh.

"I ain't no stud.i fuck with guys too y'know".

"Sorry i just thought you were".

"Ahh it's okay many people think it anyways"she glared at them three.

"Where's Kim and Ti"Ro questioned.

"At the vending machine getting a drink"Aaliyah told her.

"Okay imma just introduce Lisa to them"she grabbed hold of my hand and walked me over to them.

"I got someone i want ya'll to meet"she said making them turn around from the vending machine.

They both looked at me and i recognized one of them.

"This is Kim"she pointed to the girl with blonde hair and shades on.

"And this is Ti-".

"TIONNE"i basically shouted in shock cause i finally recognized her,she's my cousin and my old best friend and i ain't seen her in a while ever since i came here a few years ago.

"Omg Lisa"she hugged me and i hugged her back.

"Man it's been alotta years"i pulled away from the hug.

Killing me softlyWhere stories live. Discover now