Ch. 34 ➣ "Unredeemed teen years."

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- Shawn's POV -

"Corie, please. I need you right now, call me back now."

I furiously ended the call and shoved my books into my backpack. Throughout the night, I was trying to reach her but none of my messages were delivering. She wasn't picking up either.

"Shawn! Downstairs, now!" My mom's voice echoed in the house and I rushed down the flight of stairs into the car.

They were in a bad mood and so was I. Last night felt like a fever dream, except it was reality. Now, I was going to face it alone.

The short hallway to the principal's office turned into a long, treading corridor to a dungeon. My parents followed me close on my heels.

Immediately, Ms.Montgomery opened her door to greet us and have everyone take a seat in front of her desk. She smiled before initiating the conversation.

"I hope you all are having a fine morning. I know these may seem inconvenient for the two of you, Mr. and Mrs. Mendes."

"It's okay. We came back last night. We were shocked to hear such news upon arrival," My mother cleared her throat after talking, "This might be a misunderstanding. My son has never missed a day."

"He was marked absent by all of his teachers. He didn't show up to any classes," The principal re-stated the voicemail, "I didn't receive any emails, messages or calls relating to him missing school. Unless he was in an emergency, we can find a way to excuse him. Where was Shawn during those days?"

"..Shawn?" My mom asked me to speak up, even though I had no idea what to say.

Should I lie? Wasn't it already obvious that I was caught red handed? I was frozen on the spot, that gave it away even more.

Ms. Montgomery frowned. She was disappointed in my actions, "you know how competitive this program is. It's not like every school hands out full-ride scholarships to a group of students."

"I know, I'm sorry."

She then sighed, making me feel all the more ashamed. I really hated myself right now, I felt embarrassed.

"Mr. and Mrs Mendes, Shawn was so lucky to have this opportunity for his future. However, there are students in this school that have worked just as hard, maybe even harder, and they still didn't get in the program. These students also don't have the funds, the chances, nor the living facilities for college– it impedes their academic journey. It's not fair to them that another student gets a second chance when they didn't even get the first one, understood?"

"Yes. I actually agree," My mom let out an exhale while holding her hands tightly, "if I were their mother, I would pray everyday that they'd get a spot."

"I know Shawn is a good student, truly I do, but they are good students too. We must look out for them as well... Now then," Ms.Montgomery looked at me with dejected eyes, but a stern face, "Shawn. I'm going to have to take your scholarship away."

Those words tore down years of work, studying, late night classes after school and AP testing. The part of me that was a "nerd" now was destroyed because he wouldn't have had this happen in the first place. All the stress, all the frustration for this scholarship just went down the drain.

"The least we can do is secure your spot at a local university. It won't be any UC, but you'll get accepted now matter what. There are a few concerns..."

Her words just blurred out because I was too distracted by my pondering. I really messed up this time. The only chance I got to redeem my teenage years and then it comes crashing down the next day.

My mom and Dad left campus after dropping me off. They didn't speak a word to me, but made sure I wasn't going to skip today either. I walked them out through the front and then waited on the steps until the current class period ended.


To explain, yes their school is very strict. In the story they pick the best behaved student (from freshman year to senior year) and give them a scholarship. Once you get a scholarship they expect you to be the "perfect student" until the end of the year.

The most important rule is calling in when you're going to be absent, and if you break that then they're are consequences and in this case Shawn got his scholarship taken away.

oh and



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