Her arms weren't wrapped around him, they were literally feeling him up. Even I don't do that! I was angry or jealous was a little word to describe my burning desire to chop her hands off. I was and still am she's very much into Kiaan, I mean who wouldn't? I wouldn't, that's different cause I'm abnormal but seriously, he's not fourteen how but twenty-seven and married.

"Tina! Oh god I missed you." I faked my aww tone, my hands quickly handed on hers, not taking them off from Kiaan's body but pushing them away. While I was leaning forward to hug my favourite friend I elbowed Kiaan on the way. His hand landed on his stomach gently rubbing it shooting me a dagger.

"Oh how gorgeous you look." I nearly chocked my own saliva. Forgive me lord for lying. I mean, if covering your face with fifty different foundation was called being 'gorgeous,' then I promise I'll throw all my makeup pallets into the rubbish bin right in front of my eyes.

She wore a golden coloured tight dress, to tight that I felt suffocated myself even though I was wearing someone not-so-tight myself. How is she managing to breathe? If she took another breath I was sure her dress would rip in half. It finished around eight inches above her knee. Why is she even wearing clothes? Just rip that off also.

You can probably tell how much I love her already.

"Wish I could say the same." Came her girly voice. Puberty hit her in other places expect her throat. You aren't fair god. I purposely held her tightly, not wanting to end the hug so she'd stay away from Kiaan as much as possible but bitch had other plans. "Ok stop your drama V." she whispered into my ear, clearing trying hard to hide her frustration.

"Aww, already tired Ina?" She hated it every time I called her 'Ina,' according to her it made her feel old, 'What am I your nanny?' her words, not mine.

"Ugh!" she hissed, pushing me away enough to get out of my solid grip. "I'm glad you came Kiaan." She smiled, blushing.

Why is she blushing? What the hell.

"I'm also here." I laughed, biting my lips as I elbowed her playfully. I walked over to Kiaan, holding his hand firmly. Take that Ina. "Darling," I need to brush my teeth twice when I get home to get rid of this cheesy line. "-won't you introduce me to your friend? Nidhi perhaps?" I smiled, looking into his eyes.

His eyes went wide for a second but a smirk replaced his whole expressions. This can't be good. "Sure, anything for you, love."

Ugh! Why doesn't he understand that ONLY Klaus can say that.

I smiled brightly not before saying, "We'll see you around, Ina."

"Darling huh?" Kiaan wriggled his eyebrows at him once he walked away from Tina, now making way towards Kiaan's friend through the crowd. Some couples were dancing, I don't if that inspired Kiaan for doing what he just did. His one hand snaked around my waist, pulling me closer and the other entwining our fingers. I was turned around by him showing me his annoying yet cute grin.

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