Chapter 11: Reunion

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"So... what do we do about it?" Uraraka asks softly, obviously very disheartened.

"Maybe he's changed," I answer, "And I think we should give him a chance. But just be cautious for a while till we know it's safe."

Everyone nods in agreement and a few minutes later Aizawa enters the classroom. He walks over to his desks and rummages around, grabs a few papers, then turns to us.

"Glad to see everyone is safe, even though I told you to stay in the room." 

Everyone looks around awkwardly.

"So I'm sure you saw Midoryia. Don't worry he's with Recovery Girl and everything is getting sorted out. You guys are dismissed to your dorms for the day." And he rushes out.


{Aizawa's POV}

Midoryia fought only a little before giving up and letting me drag him to the Nurses Office. Other staff members report that there was no other damage other than the sidewalk because of the Villains little fight. Which leads me to question their motive, but that's not important right now.

All Might is contacted right away. He's been in bad condition ever since Kamino. He hasn't been very active as a hero, and he's been excused from most school duties. The few times I've spoken with him he was very distant, and he kept going back to the topic of the Villains and how to take them down and get Midoryia back. 

He's always had a strong connection with Midoryia so it's not surprising to see him so distraught about it. 

He arrives very quickly after being called, and rushes up to me outside of her office, he looks very disheveled even though he wears his hero costume.

"How is he?" He asks, out of breath reaching for the door, but I stop him.

"Fine, Recovery Girl is looking at his condition, he's being cooperative. I don't know if it's good for him to see you considering he's been spending two or more months now, with villains."

"Oh. Yeah." He agrees, a little disheartened. In the meantime, I tell him the whole story of how I found him and what I heard, he asks a few questions I answer the best I can. The police have been notified but thankfully the media doesn't know yet.

Finally, Recovery Girl steps out of her office and closes the door behind her.

"He's very sleepy right now. The only real injury was his shoulder and that's almost all patched up, there might be a little scar. He was very quiet and a little afraid but he didn't give me any trouble."

All Might looks very eager at the door but instead, she turns to me.

"Aizawa, I'm wondering if you could come in. Sorry, Yagi, I'll let you in eventually."

I step into her room, leaving behind a disheartened All Might.

Midoryia lays on the bed with his eyes half open, I can see his bruised shoulder from the rip in his shirt.

"How are you feeling?" I ask him, trying to keep my voice soft.

He shifts a little before speaking, "Fine, I think." His voice is a little sore sounding. 

"Do you mind answering a few questions? Or would you rather wait?" Investigators have been bothering me for answers, but I don't want to push him. I grab a piece of paper and a pen from my pocket and Recovery Girl exits to the hall.

"No. It's ok, go for it." He tries to smile but it just looks pitiful, he looks exhausted.

"What's your relationship with the Villains at this point?"

His brow furrows, "I think they were just using me. I won't lie to you, I had joined them, I willingly let them take me from that hospital. But whatever they injected must of wore off, so I started thinking like myself again."

"What did they tell you before they injected you?"

"They said-" His voice cracks a little and he clears his throat, "They lied. They said everyone was lying. They broke me down piece by piece."

I feel bad for this boy, it hurts to see him talk about it, even if it's really brief.

"How long were you back to normal before you got here?"

"U-uh... maybe one week?"

"So you've been faking it for a week?" I ask, a little impressed.

"Yeah..." He whispers so quietly it's almost impossible to hear.

"That's a dangerous game," I say, not scolding him but to make sure he realizes how serious this is.

"Can I see All Might...?" He says a little scared, "I was worried he was hurt after Kamino." I smile a little and nod.


{All Mights POV}

I step into the office, and once the door is closed I fall back into my 'True Form'. Midoryia is sitting up in his bed, staring at the blankets and playing with them nervously. He's wearing a black hoodie with a hole in the shoulder, displaying a bandage.

He looks up at me and smiles, and it's like the boy who picked up trash on the beach is sitting in front of me. I smile back as well as I can.

"I was afraid you were hurt." He mumbles, "I'm really sorry," his voice cracks and a few tears leak from under his eyes.

"I'm so sorry,  so so so so so sorry..." He sniffles and I sit next to him on the bed and wrap my arms around his shoulders gently.

"No no, it's not your fault," I assure him, a lump in my throat and I try not to cry, "It's ok, it's all ok now."

I sit and try to comfort him for a few minutes before I do anything else.

"Are you hurt? Did they do anything else?" I ask softly.

He thinks, "No... they knew they had me, so they didn't have to."

This confuses me, "Aizawa said you seemed scared of them and they had..." I think, "Power, over you."

"I-I didn't want them to hurt me so I submitted. I was terrified, I may not have been under the serum stuff for that week but I still k-knew what they were capable of, they manipulated me." He spits out very quickly.

 "Alright, alright." I say, calming him down, "I understand."

We sit in silence for a few minutes before Recovery Girl walks in and examines a chart.

"All right, time's up." She smiles gloomily, and I pat Midoryia softly on the back before turning to leave. 

The door closes and I cry. Half of the tears were of sadness, of having to see him like that. The other half is from pure happiness from being able to see him at all.

Midoryia is back in UA. And we have another chance.

(And so does Midoryia, woah double meanings, foreshadowing.)

(I'm sorry if this chapter was trash, I kind of feel like it was. If anyone has suggestions PLEASE feel free to leave them in the comments.)

The Traitor { Villain Deku AU }Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon