Chapter 10 - Lunch

Start from the beginning

"I bet that is true." She grinned, amused of Jungkook's act.

"So if you're having such talent in art, why wouldn't you pursue your study in art?" He questioned.

Jungkook noticed that Chaeyoung suddenly became silent and he undoubtedly saw a hurtful glance from her eyes. He could not help but felt slightly curious but he did not intend to push her further unless she was ready to tell him.

Chaeyoung's lips were pressed into a thin line and she softly murmured, "I'll let you know soon." She admitted that she slightly felt intimidated to answer his question as she had never opened up to another people about her life, her feelings. She believed that Jungkook is a great man and she started to find comfort in him, telling him stories about her life seemed to become pleasant. But this time, she is not ready. But she will be, soon.

Jungkook broke up the silence, cheerfully conversed which made a smile tugged up at the corner of her mouth, "So what are you going to cook?"

"Well let me look into the fridge. Might be used the ingredients in there." She spoke, her mood lit up upon the thought of cooking and Jungkook loved to see that.

"You can just wait here and enjoy your time. Wait, let me get you some juice." With that Chaeyoung went to the kitchen and served a glass of mango juice to Jungkook.

"Thank you."

"Most welcome. Just give me half an hour and we'll be eating okay?"

"Yes sure. Take your time."

Chaeyoung quickly went back to the kitchen and started to put all the ingredients on the dining table. She wore her black plain apron and started washing the ingredients including the vegetables, pork belly and others. She expertedly cut all the ingredients while humming to a song, one of her habit when she was focusing doing a work.

Meanwhile at the living room, Jungkook stared in awe at Chaeyoung as he could directly see what she was doing in the kitchen. He was astounded with just how incredible her body was. Although she was only wearing a loose white shirt frontly tuck in to her high waisted skinny black jeans, he could literally see how tiny her waist was, accentuated by her butt which he shamelessly admiring as she swayed her hips to the left and right to her humming. He believed that she also had pretty toned legs. Damn those legs. He shook his head and instantly drank the juice as he suddenly felt hot.

Chaeyoung was so engrossed in cooking until she had no idea of how effortlessly she managed to stir up his emotions.

Chaeyoung cooked only simple dishes as she was already starving and she also believed that Jungkook felt the same. She prepared donjjeang jjiggae, grilled pork belly and spicy radish salad with plain rice. She also served the well packaged side dishes which she had already prepared from the fridge. "There! Done." She softly muttered.

Taking off her apron, she served the table and called Jungkook who seemed busy scrolling up his phone.

"Jungkook, it's done. Come, let's eat."

"Sure." Jungkook put his phone on the coffee table and walked towards the kitchen taking a seat across Chaeyoung.

"Wow they look delicious. I bet they taste really good." It has been a long time since he last tasted homemade dishes. He always eat out due to his demands of work, additionally having no one to cook for him.

"You should take a bit first." Chaeyoung chuckled.

Taking the first bite, Jungkook slowly munching, savouring the food while Chaeyoung eagerly waiting for his comments. Tipping up his head, Jungkook slightly smiled due to how her eyes widened with excitement, her lips pressed into a thin line and how she clasped her hands together to wait for his respond.

"It's impressive." Jungkook let out a comment out of sincerity and Chaeyoung grinned widely, satisfied with his comment.

"Thank God you like it."

"No, I love it."

Both of them enjoyed the lunch and Jungkook glanced at her, amused by her behaviour while eating. She was enjoying the food to the fullest, her mouth was stuffed with food causing her cheeks to become chubbier. She looked so adorable. Jungkook silently smiled throughout the meal. What a sight.

After having lunch, Chaeyoung did the dishes with the help of Jungkook. She finished cleaning up the plates and noticed how the dishwasher was fulled with plates and bowls. She then loaded the kitchen cabinet with the plates and was about to keep the last plate in the cabinet above her head. She slightly tiptoed, although she was indeed tall but it was hard to reach the high cabinet.

Suddenly, Jungkook took the plate and placed it in the cabinet causing her to slightly freeze due to how close she felt his body was pressed against her back. His chest was firm and undeniably made Chaeyoung gulped. She was shocked and ultimately spun her body towards him causing her to stumble back against the sink. Jungkook instinctively wrapped his hand behind her to steady her body.

"Be careful there," His voice dropped down to lower octave, sending shivers down her spine. They were dangerously close. So so close and she could feel his breath tickled her face. Her heart sped up and her cheeks flushed into a shade of red due to how close her face was with Jungkook.

She noticed that Jungkook gulped and his eyes stared directly into her eyes sending a whoosh of butterflies into her stomach. He kept glancing from her eyes down to her lips and he started to lean his face closer to her. He got closer and closer leaving only a few inches from her face. Their lips would be instantly met if she even moved her face.

He was about to kiss her when Calum Scott's song, You are the Reason suddenly echoed throughout the house breaking their stance. Jungkook nervously scratched his neck and bit his lower lip. His eyes darted away from her face, tried to compose himself due to the sudden awkwardness.

"Uhh that's my phone. I..I'll get it." Jungkook quickly went to the living room and answered the call. Chaeyoung's heart still beated in an abnormal fast rate, she was afraid that her heart would burst out in no time. Her cheeks felt hot and she knew she might be blushing hard.

Jungkook ended up the call and she noticed his face became so tensed and she was about to ask when he said, "I'm sorry, but I think I have to leave now. Joon Hyung was admitted to the hospital due to high fever."

Chaeyoung's heart fell due to the statement and she could not supress her worriness towards Joon Hyung. "Oh God! How is he?"

"I don't know. I want to go to the hospital right now. You want to tag along?"

"Sure but let met grab my things first and then we go."

"Alright, I'll be waiting in the car."



A/n: Disappointed? Hoho how is it guys? Here's another update. Guess what would happen next?

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