"Is mom joining us?" I questioned as I saw a massive feast laid on the table.

"Yes, I am" mom said as she walked out from the kitchen with a tray in her hands "your favourite waffles with bacon & cheese" she smiled as she kept the tray on the table.

"I think, I should leave" I said as I stood up.

"No hon, we are going to talk as a family so please take your seat" mom said as I rolled my eyes & sat.

"I know things have been rough & complicated, but honey we did what we did to protect you" she said.

"Protect me from what, you're the monster yourself" I looked at her.

"Don't talk to your mother like that" dad said.

"Dad, stop defending her. I don't know why you're always defending her" I complained.

"Let us tell you the truth honey, but dies you have to calm down" dad looked at me as I took a deep breath & nodded "when I met your mom I was 19 we started dating & we got married just like that, my family was well off as you know so money was no issue. We moved to NY where you were born, we were both happy but it was short lived I found out about your mother & I couldn't live with it. I didn't want you to choose her path, I wanted you to be human like me & that's when I made a huge mistake I left your mom, it was my decision not her's".

"And honey, when your dad left. I was heartbroken then I met Chris your step father, we just hit it off but then I found out that he was a witch & so I had to leave because I knew something was off & after that I met josh my boyfriend & I hate to admit it but I like him" mom said.

"I don't know what to say to you guys anymore, you both are just manipulating me over & over again. I feel like I don't even have a home now so, please can I go" I said as I stood up & left, it was too much for me to take in.

"I'm very sorry, peach" Stefan comforted me as we sat on the park "I don't even want to go home anymore, even Melissa is spending the weekend at Tyler's & I feel suffocated" I said.

"You can come over to my place" he invited me over with a smile.

"And Damon? And what about your uncle?" I asked.

"Damon will always be Damon, as for my uncle Damon killed him" he said.

"What? really?" I looked at him in horror.

"They didn't get along peach & Damon being Damon ended his life, just like that" Stefan said "and talking about this, Damon even killed Alaric but he came back to life".

"You mean our history teacher?" I was shocked, only in Mystic Falls a teacher can come back to life.

"He has this ring, know as the Gilbert ring that brings him back to life" he explained.

"All these supernatural things can only happen in a Mystic Falls. What about your uncle, any chances of him coming back to life?" I looked at him.

"He was human peach, so he's gone now" he said.

"I'm so sorry Stefan, I didn't know. I just wish I can teach this Damon a lesson" I got irritated.

Dusk till dawn (vampire diaries fan fiction) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now