Getting kicked out and moving to Atlanta

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14th july,1990.
Lisa's Pov.
"Lisa i can't take this anymore,i can't take the trouble you're getting yo self into.I honestly can't take it no more"my mom shouted.

Lately i've been getting into trouble with the police,getting in fights with people on my block,fighting loads of people at once cause somebody is always tryna fight me and i ain't gunna back down so i fight them or fight back.My momma doesn't even know half the shit that happens.

"It's not my fault them bitch's wanna fight me and gang up on me.You don't even know half the shit them bitch's try to do to me mom so thats why i fucking fight back"i shouted back at her.

"Don't you dare raise yo voice at me Nicole"She pointed at me.

"Or what you gon beat me like yo punk ass boyfriend does for no reason cause he's a little bitch".

She raised her hand and striked me across the face making my cheek sting.

"You can get the hell out of my house and don't even bother to come back Lisa"she yelled at me.

"Fine i fucking will and i'll happily won't come back".

I went up to my bedroom and got my two suit cases and my bag full of my clothes and my other belongings,i've had my clothes and stuff packed for a few days cause i knew i was gunna get kicked out.

"Lisa where're you going"my 16 year old sister asked.

"Somewhere away from here.I'll be fine so don't worry how i am and i'll call you as soon as i get there".

"Where're you going though".

"Atlanta.i'll call you as soon as i get there"i gave her a hug then picked my bags up and left the house.

I called a taxi and waited for it to arrive and to take me to Atlanta even though it's gunna cost a lot of money and take me near enough a day to get there.

About 15 minutes later the taxi had arrived and i got in it.

"Where're you going miss"the taxi driver politely asked.He was this young Puerto Rican,he was kinda cute.

" much would it cost".


Well damn i'm lucky that i've saved up near enough a grand or i wouldn't be able to afford this.

"Okay would you like it now or when we get there".

"Just give me it when you get there".

"How long is it gon take to get there".

"About 11 hours so i'd get some sleep if i was you but where do you wanna do you wanna go in Atlanta".

"Ion know just at any bus stop really".


The next day,1:04pm.
I woke up to the taxi driver calling my name and shaking me.

"Hey miss wake up,you're at the destination you wanted to be at"he said as he shook me.

I opened my eyes and looked out the window to see i was at the bus stop in down town Atlanta.

"Thank you,here's the money"i handed him the 200 then got out.

"You be safe around here Chica some Puto's are weird"he said.

"I will thank you and you too".

He smiled at me them drove off.i sat on the bench and waited for the bus to come so i could get it to the nearest hotel.

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