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“Is that Tony?” Steve blinked, staring at the tiny child in their living room.

“Cap’in Merica!” Tony bounced on his seat before freezing and going back to sitting in perfect stillness.

“What about me?” Bucky teased and Tony's huge amber eyes got even bigger.

“Sar-gent Barnes!” Tony flashed an adorably gap toothed smile.

“Aw yeah.” Bucky grinned, looking at the tiny boy. “You must be Tony.”

“Anthony Eddyward Stark!” Tony spoke proudly.

“Woah. That's a cool name.” Bucky crouched down in front of the kid, gesturing for Steve to follow him. Steve moved mechanically, staring at the toddler.

“Uh huh!” Tony nodded, stiffening as Bucky picked him up. Bucky frowned but held Tony close to his chest, feeling Tony relax in small intervals until the toddler was leaning against his body.


“Cap’in! Wai’ fo’ me!” Tony whined, toddling along behind Steve as fast as he could. Steve stopped and steadied Tony after the two and a half year old crashed into his leg.

“Tony, you're supposed to be napping.” Steve sighed, scooping the boy up and holding him.

“Wanna be wi’ Cap’in.” Tony's lip jutted out in a pout.

“You need to take a nap.” Steve spoke firmly, trying not to give in to Tony's theatrics as the toddler started sobbing hysterically.

“Wan’ Cap’in!” Tony wailed, clutching at Steve's shirt. He had huge tears rolling down his cheeks as he sobbed.

“Shh shh. Please don't cry.” Steve felt such an overwhelming sense of panic as Tony wailed in his arms. “I'll take a nap with you. How does that sound?”

“Cap’in wi’ me?” Tony looked hopefully at Steve.

“Yes, Tony. With you.” Steve nodded, carrying Tony to his and Bucky's bedroom. He laid Tony down and then undressed to his underwear before snagging a pair of sweatpants to wear. He slipped them on and then laid down under the covers with Tony who promptly scrambled on top of him and curled up.

Tony closed his eyes, yawning slightly and enjoying the warm skin of his human bed. He snuggled on Steve, feeling the soldier’s heavy arm wrap around him protectively.


“Steve. Come on, Tony. Call me Steve.” Steve was trying to get Tony to call him something other than Captain.

“Cap’in.” Tony was confused as to why Steve wanted to be called by his first name.

“Come on, Sugar. Call me Steve.” Steve begged, laying on his stomach to look at the toddler who was next to him in the bed.

“Teev.” Tony gave in, crawling closer and laying on his side. He kissed the tip of Steve's nose, more comfortable with affection now.

Bucky burst into laughter from the other side of the room and Tony startled, starting to cry. Steve rolled on his side and pulled Tony to him, cuddling the tiny boy and shooting an evil look over his shoulder at Bucky.

“That was mean. Say you're sorry.” Steve ordered Bucky, rubbing Tony's small back.

“Sorry, Baby Doll.” Bucky apologized, laying on the other side of Tony and Steve.

“Okay, Ucky.” Tony refused to look at Bucky though.

“Better be nice, UCKY.” Steve looked smug.

“Teev will make you sowwy.” Tony mumbled against Steve's warm chest and fell asleep.


“Daddy!” Tony screamed, struggling to free himself from Clint’s arms. Steve froze, this was the first time that Tony had called him Daddy. “Daddyyyyy!”

“Oh, baby.” Steve's voice was hoarse as he turned around and walked back to Tony. He snatched Tony from Clint and held him, shushing his hysterical baby. “Daddy is here. I'm right here.”

“Don’ Lea’ me!” Tony sobbed, clinging to Steve as tightly as he could. He didn't want to be left behind.

“Shh. Shh.” Steve gave Clint a helpless look and the archer put up a finger, pulling his phone out and texting Phil.

“Just got Mack to agree to it.” Clint informed Steve. “You and Bucky are now off the roster for awhile until you figure this whole thing out.”

Steve sighed in relief, cuddling Tony to his chest as the toddler cried. He was unsure about how well he was parenting Tony but the little boy seemed to thrive with his and Bucky's attention. He no longer flinched when someone went to pick him up and he often sought them out to be held.

“What's wrong, Baby Doll?” Bucky had come in to see where Steve was and frowned as he heard Tony sobbing. He moved closer and stroked the back of Tony's head.

“Papa.” Tony sniffled, looking at Bucky with wet amber eyes.

“Papa is here, Buddy.” Bucky felt pleased that Tony had called him that.

“We’re off the roster for missions awhile.” Steve informed Bucky, shifting his hold on Tony.

“I'm down for that.” Bucky smiled softly as Tony held his flesh hand, the tot pressing his cheek to Bucky’s hand.


Tony grabbed at Steve's hand, pulling it to his face and sucking on his finger. He settled against Steve's chest, using both hands to hold onto it.

Steve looked puzzled by Tony's actions but allowed him to keep doing it. If it made Tony happy, he'd let it happen.

“Whatcha up to, Baby?” Bucky had just come in the bedroom, looking at his two best fellas.

Tony didn't answer, just continued sucking on Steve's finger and closed his eyes. He rested his cheek on Steve's chest, clinging to the soldier's arm like a monkey.

"Maybe he don't feel good." Bucky waited to speak until Tony was asleep, sitting next to Steve and their baby.

"He doesn't feel warm and JARVIS would have told us if he was ill." Steve looked at his precious baby. "Maybe we should buy pacifiers. So he can suck on them."

"Maybe." Bucky leaned down and kissed Tony's forehead before leaning back and closing his eyes.

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