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The dark haired girl woke suddenly, jolting upright and drenched in sweat as she gasped deeply. Her chest was heaving as she attempted to regain her lost air, taking in great mouthfuls of warm air that filled her lungs. Her breathing was broken by low sobs that shook her thin frame as her arms wrapped around her chest to keep herself together. A low whimper bubbled up and escaped her lips, echoing in the dark room and alerting the other person in the room to her discontented state.

"Hey. It's okay, Baby." A low male voice soothed, startling the girl and causing her to cry out in fright. He had been hoping she wouldn't wake and that he would be able to do what he needed to before she woke but there was a change of plans. "Shh, Sweetheart. You're safe."

"Who are you?!" The frightened girl asked, curling up into herself and clutching her blanket to her chest protectively. Her eyes squinted as she tried to locate the mysterious voice when she KNEW she had been alone before bed.

"It's Daddy, Baby." His voice was closer now as warm arms settled around her, holding her ever so gently. "Oh, honey. You're all wet. You'll need to change."

"I don't wanna!" She was panicking, attempting to get away and struggling all the more when she couldn't free herself from his hold. She thrashed around, trying to push away from him as hard as she could but it was like pushing against a wall. He was immovable and her mind cataloged the fact.

"I'm Steve Rogers but you WILL call me Daddy. You needed me and I'm here." Steve spoke firmly, stilling her body and holding her. "Daddy is here now, Baby. So relax. This will make all your adult problems go away if you have Daddy to take care of you."

"Daddy." The brunette sobbed, sagging into his chest and letting him comfort her. It didn't seem so bad to be taken care of and he seemed to really want to do it.

"Daddy has you." Steve's voice was soothing as he stroked his fingers through her hair. He knew she was confused and scared but that was okay. That's why he was there, to care for her and help her give control over. "Let's get Daddy's baby ready for bed and get all comfy. And out of those yucky Big Girl clothes." He let go of her and grabbed the bag he packed.

Steve got out a diaper and a sleeper for her, grabbing the wipes also. Steve's gentle hands undressed her from her soaked clothing, wiped her down and diapered her before putting the sleeper on her. She felt more secure than she had in a long time, accepting the pacifier into her mouth when prompted.

" 'uddle, Daddy?" Her sleepy voice slurred around the pacifier and she forced her eyes open to watch him for an answer.

"Let Daddy get ready for bed and then yes. Daddy will gladly cuddle with you." The blond undressed, tossing his clothes into her hamper and laid down to cuddle his precious baby. This was a decent start to the relationship and he'd be there until he felt she neither needed nor wanted him there.

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