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Steve slowly became aware of his surroundings, hearing a radio playing a baseball game. His face wrinkled as his golden ears twitched, listening to the game and realizing it was one he'd been to a few years ago. He slowly sat up and swung his legs from the bed. He heard the door open and footsteps as someone entered.

"Good morning. Or rather good afternoon." A woman with brown ears and a matching tail spoke to him, scent labeling her as a non-threat. She was a Field Spaniel.

"Where am I?" Steve was on alert, looking at the woman. He was scenting the air subconsciously.

"You're in a recovery room in New York City." The woman spoke, smiling with painted red lips.

"Where am I really?" Steve glanced around the room, taking in his surroundings.

"I'm afraid I don't understand." She backtracked, looking at him in confusion.

"The game. It's from May 1941, I know because I was there." Steve spoke lowly, trying to keep from growling. "Where am I? Who are you!"

The door opened and two men came in. Steve charged, slamming them through the wall as the blond started running as fast as he could. He dodged the people attempting to capture him and ran through the streets of New York, stopping and looking around him in desperation.

He whined lowly, trying to see if anything was familiar before he took off running again, dodging the cars that had tried to pin him in. His legs seemed to have a mind of their own, taking him into the road and he yelped as a car hit him.

"Shit." A voice came shortly after. "Are you okay?"

Steve could faintly smell a familiar scent, opening his eyes again and seeing a tan guy with dark floppy ears. He whined again, unable to speak actual words at the moment. The scent plucked at his memories of an inventor he'd known that had helped him become Captain America.

"Hey, what's wrong?" The man who was part black and tan coonhound hummed. "You okay? What's your name?"

"Steve. Steve Rogers." Steve croaked out, letting the guy help him up. 

"Huh... Well, guess I found you then. Fury called and said you ran away." The guy muttered. "Wanna come home with me? Rather than back to that stupid facility."

"Who are you?" Steve questioned desperately, tail drooping. The poor Captain was confused and trying to process even as they spoke.

"Tony. Tony Stark." The man now known as Tony Stark told him. "C'mon. People are staring."

Steve followed Tony into the car and scooted close, desperate to be close to anything that smelled familiar. He knew he was crowding the other man but he couldn't help it.

"It's okay, Steve-O. We'll get you cleaned up and take it from there." Tony soothed, patting Steve's arm and blinking as Steve grabbed his hand. "Alright, you wanna hold hands? We can do that."

Tony was an omega, he had a scent that drew people in and he used it to his advantage sometimes. He pushed out calmsoothinggentle to Steve, letting his scent fill the enclosed space. Steve's incessant shaking ceased and he leaned even more against Tony, getting as close as he could without hurting the other man. He instinctively knew he could trust Tony, that the omega wouldn't let anything harm him.

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