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Pietro was kissing a blond girl, pressing her into the wall and lifting her as her long legs wrapped around his hips. He was very aroused and still had yet to find his soulmate so he filled the void with cheap and easy women.

"Can you not?" A girl's sharp voice barked, speaking the words Pietro both wanted yet dreaded to hear. He was damaged goods and he was sure no one would want him. He nearly dropped the girl in his arms but managed to set her down safely before turning to the girl who had spoken.

"I am very sorry." He apologized and watched her scowl deepen. She was clearly not pleased by this turn of events.

"Nope. Not dealing with this." The brunette girl pivoted and started walking away as he stared dumbly. He scrambled after her, following.

"Stop!" He called, grabbing her wrist and watching as she stopped short at the unintentional order he had issued. "Fuck. I am sorry." He swore, holding onto her still though.

"Why did it have to be you?" The girl spoke to the ground, glaring at it. "Shoot me now. Ugh."

He felt hurt listening to her and simply threw her over his shoulder. Pietro carried her to Avengers Tower and to his apartment there, locking the floor down with Mate Protocol.

"No more talking like that." He ordered, setting her on his bed carefully before checking her over. "You are my mate, like it or not." He frowned.

"Fine." She growled lowly at him until he bared his teeth at her and pressed his mouth to her throat in warning. The noise stopped abruptly, submission taking over her body.

"Watch it. I don't like being growled at." He couldn't understand why she was acting like this. His hands smoothed over her cheeks and held her head gently while he kissed her forehead.
"Good girl, love." He monitored her reaction to the praise.

She had sunk into his touch, looking vulnerable and trusting that he'd take care of her. Her face turned confused at the praise though, yet very pleased.

"I'm a good girl even being mean?" She gaped at him, wondering if he was testing her and was going to punish her anyways.

"Your behavior is bad. You yourself are a good girl inside, Bunny." Pietro soothed, kissing her forehead again and sat next to her to talk. "I know you are not pleased with this but we will try to make it work."

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