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Howard Stark stared at the man they claimed was his future son, a dark haired man named Anthony Edward Stark. He could faintly see the resemblance in the hair and eyes, the darker complexion and the nose. "So... You are my son."

"Yeah..." Tony looked both wary and hostile at the same time, keeping an arm around his soulmate tightly. Her entire body leaned into Tony, letting him guard her in his own way. It sent a pain through Howard's heart as he hadn't met his own soulmate yet.

"And she is your soulmate?" Howard asked curiously, examining the girl who sighed.

"Yes. Problem?" Tony barked, unable to help the old feelings of resentment bubbling up at the sight of his father.

"No. You're very lucky to find yours." The younger looking Stark said, nodding slowly.

"I know I am." Tony relaxed slightly, no longer scowling as much. His soulmate was an enormous place of pride for him, a treasure he'd guard forever.

"More like I'm the lucky one." The brunette girl spoke for the first time. Her voice was sweet yet with an edge of steel under that hinted at yet unknown strengths.

"This happens a lot." A curly haired male in a lab coat said, watching the now bickering couple. "They're both very stubborn especially when it comes to each other."

"But they're happy?" Howard questioned the new man in the room.

"Oh totally. Tony turns into a giant teddy bear when he's with her." Bruce laughed. "She can take his mood from 100 back to 0 and vice versa."

"I do not have moods!" Tony protested, catching part of their conversation and glaring at Bruce playfully. "Brucie- Bear! I thought we had something!"

"You do too." Kayla snorted, hugging Tony tightly and kissing his cheek.

"You wound me so." Tony sighed dramatically.

"This is amazing." Howard looking around at the lab, marveling at some of the equipment.

"I'll be back. Grampy One-Arm found Amazon and Thor's alcohol. C'mon, Bruce. You can help me." Kayla dragged Bruce out by the hand, snickering to herself. 

Tony and his father stared at each other awkwardly and then started discussing the various equipment and how it's changed through the years. They found themselves having fun while doing it, losing track of time.

"Bucky!" Kayla scolded, taking Bucky's phone. "Sober you will love you tomorrow. $756.73 spent tonight."

"What did he buy?!" Bruce blinked, looking over her shoulder at the phone.

"Better question is what didn't he buy?" Kayla cackled, looking through his purchases while petting Bucky's hair as he clung to her hips. "Aw, Baby... Let's get you to bed."

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