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"You are drunk..." Tony sighed, looking at the two giggling girls who were on the floor. He called Clint for assistance with the drunks in his hallway, looking put out.

"Smells like a brewery." Clint noted, heaving Lizzy over his shoulder and following Tony who carried Kayla.

"They had a drinking contest..." Stark facepalmed with his free hand, groaning.

"That would do it." The archer noted, checking on Lizzy's breathing and heartbeat.

"Come on. You gotta put your clothes on." Tony was attempting to wrestle the squirming brunette back into her clothes that had been shed at some point in time.

"Freedom!" Kayla screamed, kicking Tony's leg and running away while still mostly undressed.

"Fuck my life... Rogers is gonna kill me." Tony moaned in pain, rubbing his aching shin.

"Why am I gonna kill you?" Steve had just come in to take his girlfriend back to their floor after going for a run.

"And why is Kayla running around half-naked?" Bucky had caught the drunk girl and carried her over his shoulder as she mumbled to herself and patted his butt like she was playing the bongos.

"She and Lizzy had a drinking contest." Tony grumbled, handing Kayla's clothing over to Steve who went by Bucky. He was too old for this shit and his body let him know.

"And you let them?" Steve had his "Captain America Is Disappointed In You" face on, glaring slightly.

"I was in the lab. JARVIS had to notify me that they were in my stash." The billionaire genius scowled right back.

"I wanna take a bath." Kayla whined in Bucky’s ear, having wriggled herself enough to get her mouth there.

"A bath is a good idea." Steve nodded, leaving with Bucky and Drunky who resumed her Bucky Butt Touching.

"Doll... I'm gonna spank ya if ya don't quit." Bucky sighed dramatically, feeling no real annoyance with her.

"Spank me, Daddy." She wriggled again, groping his butt with both her hands while cackling.

"Oh god." Steve groaned, wondering how on earth he ended up with them as his lovers. The trio made their way to the bathroom on their floor to bathe, JARVIS having filled the tub to their preferred temperature.

"I think it's hot." Bucky snickered, kissing the hip near the side of his face.

"Of course you do, Buck." Steve smacked Bucky’s ass before taking their inebriated girlfriend and stripping her down completely. Bucky undressed himself and got in the tub before taking their drunk, watching Steve openly as he undressed also and got in.

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