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His hands were gripping her too tightly, his lips were more forceful than usual as he kissed her. His eyes were not the soft blue grey they normally were, they were a hard steel grey color that signified the Soldier and not her lover. She whimpered against his mouth and turned her head to get some air, chest heaving as his lips moved to her neck and left large marks.

"Bucky, wait. Please." The brunette pleaded, trying to break him from his frenzy. She winced as his hands tightened slightly on her slim hips, knowing she would bruise. "You're hurting me!"

He froze, loosening his hold and then backing away from her like he'd hurt her even more. His eyes were wide as he looked at her now that his mind had cleared from the Soldier. He caught her automatically as she jumped up, the brunette omega clinging to him to prevent him from leaving.

"This is the third time this month that I've hurt you by losing control. I'm just not good for you." Bucky spoke lowly, eyes shadowed as he looked at the ground and not the girl in his arms.

"You just lose yourself is all." Kayla whispered fiercely, holding tightly to him. "You're bound to have relapses after being brainwashed for how long?"

"I HATE hurting you!" He growled, scent filling with aggression as his temper flared sharply. "I'm supposed to protect you."

"You do protect me, Love." She soothed, kissing each part of his face. "You keep me safe, love me, and spoil me."

Bucky sighed and walked backwards until he hit the couch and sat down with her in his lap. He nosed at her neck, trailing kisses along the violent splotches he'd marked her skin with in his frenzy and rubbing her sore hips. This was a conversation they had every so often.

"Love you, Doll... I'm gonna get better for us. So I don't hurt you again." Bucky promised, cradling her face in his palms and kissing the tip of her nose.

"I love you too, James Buchanan Barnes." She smiled radiantly, heart practically singing with joy at the crisis averted.

Bucky held her carefully, starting a gentle back massage to ease her tensed muscles that had built up and monitoring her scent closely until he was satisfied with her happiness and contentment.

"I got you, Baby. Forever." Bucky whispered into her hair, cradling her close.

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