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If I was dying on my knees, you'd be the one to rescue me

Tony trudged through the sand, coughing as the dry air filled his aching lungs. He had one thought on his mind and that was to survive. He needed to survive and get home to Rhodey. His Brother in all but blood.

The sound of chopper blades filled the air as Tony collapsed onto his knees. The wounded man screamed as loud as he could, waving his arms wildly in the air. This was his last chance to be saved, knowing that his body was ready to collapse.

The chopper landed and a familiar man jumped out. James Rhodes tore across the sand, screaming his brother's name. He dropped down to his knees and clutched Tony to him. "Next time you ride with me."

Tony rasped a laugh, a harsh grating sound unlike his normal smooth laugh. The genius was exhausted, body ready to shut down now that he was safe. He was always safe when Rhodey was there. "For sure."

Rhodey helped the medics load him up and held onto Tony's hand the whole way back to base. He glared at anyone who dared to try and make him leave Tony's side. It wasn't happening and he made sure it was known. Not even the threat of discipline from his superiors back at base worked to persuade him away from Tony.

He had seen what happened when they had been separated before and he wasn't risking it. He would give his best friend anything to protect him, having felt such horrible guilt and worry the whole three months that Tony had been missing. The Air Man didn't let anyone touch Tony's chest, having seen the glowing circle and deemed it need to know only.

Rhodes never left Tony's side even when they arrived back in the US. His dark eyes roved over everyone who even glanced in their direction, suspicious. Someone had to have told the change in route and his best bet was someone with the company.

Tony surprisingly never protested, knowing how badly Rhodey had been scared for him. They were Brothers and it had been traumatizing to be kidnapped. The genius put a gentle hand on Rhodey's arm, taking advantage of his Brother's strong presence. "Can we get cheeseburgers?"

"Yeah of course." Rhodey nodded automatically as they got in the car with Pepper and Happy. He wanted to make Tony happy and if that meant unhealthy greasy fast food then so be it.

"Also set a press conference, Miss Potts. I've got an announcement to make." Tony ordered and leaned against Rhodey once more. He hated feeling weak but his body was so close to collapse again. He really needed a good meal and a long long nap but he wanted to push through.

"You need a hospital." Pepper protested, ignoring Rhodey's dark look. She was never intimidated by men.

"I need to do a press conference." Tony spoke stubbornly. His jaw clenched and his eyes looked serious for once. He didn't want any more weapons created.

The press conference created an uproar of course but Tony didn't care. His weapons were being used to kill innocents and it couldn't stay the same. Someone was double dealing to the enemy. His creations were killing US military members and innocent civilians.

Rhodey stood firm with his support though. He had no intention of forcing Tony to take back his declaration. He was a Military man but his Brother was right. It did no good for those weapons to be created.

James could always tell Stane was displeased with his presence around Tony all the time. It was obvious from the older man's body language and multiple requests for private conversations with Tony. It set off James' protective Brother instincts and he knew Tony wouldn't make him leave the room. Something had changed and Tony no longer blindly obeyed Obadiah and no longer worshipped him. Tony clearly had developed a distaste for Howard's former business partner, especially after the Injunction was filed.

Tony spent hours in his workshop which of course meant Rodey spent hours in there too. He often plied Tony with food and water, making him nap too. It wasn't hard for him to wrangle Tony during a work binge. He had done it in MIT often enough and let himself fall back into those habits. Of course James had also threatened to call Roberts Rhodes whom loved Tony like her own son.

Of course the one time Rhodey left Tony on his own was the day Stane attacked and Rhodey found Tony dying on the floor. Dum-E had brought the old Reactor to Tony but the genius had fallen unconscious before being able to put it in. James connected it and held Tony close, alternatively cursing and praying for Tony to live. He was furious and demanded Tony take him with to fight Stane and rescue Pepper.

"I've got you, Brother." Rhodey told Tony, watching the genius armor up. "You gotta make me one of these too. So I can fly with you."

"We'll see." Tony nodded, eyes glinting mischievously. He had planned on making Rhodey suits. Especially after the Air Man caught him flying solo missions to the Middle East to blow up weapons caches. He blasted off to go save Pepper, determined to not let any more innocents die.

Rhodey followed in one of Tony's fastest cars, breaking multiple laws the whole time. Not that he cared. This was obviously more important.

He got there right as the fighting was getting started and began searching for Pepper. James sighed in relief when he saw her before cursing as she ran back into the building. "What the fuck are you doing?!"

James Rupert Rhodes would never deny that he screamed when Pepper flipped the switch to the Reactor. He dropped to his knees, thinking that he was watching Tony die for real this time. "TONY!" His voice was a heart wrenching scream that echoed.

Of course Tony lived which made James alternate between cursing and crying this time. He felt he had just aged thirty years in like three hours. Seeing Tony nearly die like three times in one evening was enough to give him heart palpitations and an unhealthy amount of Anxiety.

"Don't you dare do anything so reckless again, Anthony Edward Stark Rhodes! I'll tell Momma and she'll whoop your little white ass!" Rhodey cursed, clutching Tony close after helping him out of the Armor. "Hell, she'll whoop my ass for not stopping you."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll make you a suit so I'm not doing stupid shit alone." Tony smirked weakly before groaning. "Jesus. I need a drink. Nearly dying builds up a thirst."

"Fuck no. We're going home and you're taking a fucking shower and going to bed." Rhodey had his big brother expression on and hauled the genius into the car. He picked the armor up piece by piece and tossed it into the backseat. Once that was completed, he took Tony home for the aforementioned shower and the bed.


"And I am Iron Man." Tony announced at the latest press conference, smirking at Rhodey's half amused half exasperated noise. He had told Pepper he would follow the cards but had decided not to. The decision did not surprise James at all though. His best friend always rolled with the punches.

"And that's all for today." Rhodey glared at Tony before ending the press conference.

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