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The young woman rubbed her face in Tony's neck, mumbling tiredly as he carried her to their bedroom. "Tony." She whined in his ear lowly, hands on his shirt.

"Go to sleep, Babe." Tony kissed his soulmate's head gently, shifting her carefully and laid her on their dark red sheets.

"Need you. Hate being alone." Her voice was pitiful sounding as her grip around his neck tightened and pulled him down with her.

"I know. Let me change quick." Tony soothed, getting free of her hold and stripping to his silk briefs. He laid down and smiled as she immediately curled up to him. "Night, Baby."

He got no response as she was already sound asleep. The billionaire couldn't help but laugh, knowing she had forced herself to hang on long enough to get him to lay with her. They both slept better together, his nightmares staying away for the most part and her mind settling from the whirlwind it usually was.

The sweet brunette always comforted him after he had one of his nightmares though, reminding him that she was there and that he was okay. He truly loved her and for a reason that befuddled him, she loved him too. The man smiled once more and shifted his hold on her before falling into a deep sleep.

"Tony? Tony, wake up?" Kayla's voice questioned at about 10 am the next day, insistently shaking her lover's shoulder. She hated waking him normally but she felt shaky and anxious.

"Hm?" Tony groaned, opening his eyes and peering at her blearily. He was still more than half asleep at the moment.

"I'm lonely." The hazel eyed girl whispered, looking down at her hands.

"I'm here. Don't worry." Tony sat up, pulling her into his lap and kissing her forehead. "I'm always here, Babe."

He understood how it felt to be lonely and he didn't want her to feel that way. He'd rather be tired and half asleep than leave her lonely and missing him.

"Love you." She mumbled, cuddling into her soulmate and resting her cheek on his shoulder.

"Love you too." He smiled, tugging the blanket up more over them and leaning against the headboard for a bit. "Why don't we nap for a bit, yeah? We had a late night."

"Mm." She hummed in agreement, closing her eyes and snuggling into him more. Tony yawned, drifting off shortly after she had.

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