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Steve blushed, feeling how slim arms had slid around his shoulders from behind and an ample chest pressed against the back of his head. The two warm arms told him it was Toni who was holding him.

"Hey, Stevie." Toni purred, rubbing her fingers across his chest. "What are you doing?"

"My mission report." Steve turned his head and kissed Toni's arm. "Where's Bucky?"

"Ice King is in the gym." Toni kissed the top of Steve's head. "Otherwise he and I would be dragging you off to have our way with you."

"Toni!" Steve blushed, feeling how Toni's fingers slid into his shirt. "Stop it. I need to work."

"But, Stevie." Toni moved around to the side of Steve's chair and slid into his lap. She nuzzled his neck, smelling his aftershave and leaving feather light kisses on the sensitive skin. "I wanna spend time with my gorgeous captain."

"Fine." Steve agreed, pressing a kiss to her temple. He couldn't deny his girl anything, especially not his affection. "I love you."

"I love you too." Toni buried her face into his neck, cuddling into Steve's warm body.

"My girl." Steve smiled softly, kissing her gently. He lightly tugged a dark curl, feeling how Toni's lips curled into a smile against his.

"Mine." Toni spoke simply, pressing her lips back against Steve's more firmly. "You and Bucky both."

"We love you, Sugar. You're ours." Steve promised, cupping the back of her neck. Toni loved the possessive yet tender gesture, feeling the gentle strength in his grip. "Our girl. Ours."

Toni leaned more into him, nosing at his jawline and then pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth. She slid her arms around his neck, resting her chin on his shoulder and glaring at the blonde came in. Sharon had an uncanny ability to show up when they were having their time together.

"Steve, Fury wants you to deliver that report personally." Sharon's voice grated on Toni's eardrums, igniting Toni Stark's famous temper.

"Steve's busy." Toni glared even more, tightening her grip on her boyfriend. She turned her body to wrap her legs around Steve's waist, becoming a human koala. "Go away."

"Toni, that's not nice." Steve scolded, squeezing her gently. "I'll bring it to him tomorrow."

"He wants it today." Sharon had a nasty smirk that Steve couldn't see due to being faced away.

"I'll bring it." Clint strolled in. "I'm going there anyways and Fury isn't in today. All reports go to Phil today."

"Fine." Sharon snapped, glaring more at Toni and then at Clint before leaving.

'Thanks.' Toni mouthed at Clint who winked at her.

"Cap, you done writing?" Clint's jovial tone was a startling contrast to his brisk tone from before.

"Yes, here." Steve sighed, handing the paper clipped paperwork to Clint. Clint saluted and left, shutting the door behind him. "Toni, why are you so hostile to Sharon?"

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Toni stared at Steve in disbelief. "She has the hots for you! She wants you, Steve! She fucking hates me because I love you and you love me."

"Sharon doesn't have the hots for me." Steve looked confused, holding Toni to him tighter and pressing his lips to her hair. "And you know I only have eyes for you, Sweetheart."

"She does. Ask Bucky. He'll tell you so." Toni was stubborn, squirming slightly until she settled into him again in defeat. "I don't like her. She's always so rude."

"Sweetheart." Steve tucked his girlfriend's head under his chin, rubbing her upper arm with his thumb. "Baby, don't worry about her. You're my girl. I don't WANT her. I want you."

Toni rarely let her insecurities show and when she did, Steve knew it was because she felt very vulnerable. He knew she truly felt upset about Sharon and he wanted desperately to erase the tension in his love's body.

"I'll avoid her as much as possible." Steve promised to Toni, feeling the way she curled into him. He tucked her into him more, looking seriously. "Anything for you."

"Thank you." Toni's voice was unusually small, clutching his shirt.

"C'mon, let's go grab Bucky from wherever he is and snuggle." Steve liked to have both of his lovers close.

"Sargent Barnes has made his way to your shared floor." FRIDAY announced.

"Thanks, FRIDAY." Toni thanked the AI. She felt Steve lift her, causing a mild panic and she clutched onto him desperately. He shushed her gently and held her carefully, carrying her to the elevator.

"I got you. I won't ever let you fall." Steve spoke firmly, shifting his hold on her and feeling the way she clung to him. He exited the elevator and saw Bucky waiting.

"Hey, Doll. Hey, Punk." Bucky smiled at his significant others.

"We're gonna snuggle." Steve grinned. "So follow us."

"Aye, Aye, Captain!" Bucky saluted, snickering.

"I can't hear you." Toni whispered, looking at Bucky as he followed behind them.

"AYE, AYE, CAPTAIN!" Bucky shouted, startling Steve.

"Bucky!" Steve frowned. "I could've dropped Toni!"

"Sorry." Bucky looked apologetic, reaching a hand out to touch Toni's face. They made it to the bedroom and clothing was shed, the trio laying down together naked. "C'mere, Doll."

Toni curled between the two men, feeling how they pressed against her and kissed Bucky quickly. She could feel the way Steve spooned her, his heavy arms holding her against his body as Bucky's firm body pressed against her front. It made her feel surrounded in safety and she could practically feel the love radiating from them. It made her heart pound.

She felt sleepy, the warmth that surrounded her sent her entire being into a puddle of relaxed Toni and she closed her eyes. The nightmares didn't come nearly as often or as intensely now that she had the two soldiers in her bed. She succumbed to sleep, wrapped in their protective hold.

"Bucky? Does Sharon have the hots for me?" Steve was anxious, worried about the answer.

"Steve, she practically undresses and fucks you with her eyes every time she sees you..." Bucky sounded exasperated. "If Sharon is the reason Toni looked so fucking upset, I'll kill her with my bare hands."

"Don't. Please." Steve frowned, looking thoughtful as he thought back to every interaction between himself and Sharon while wondering how on Earth she could have thought she had a chance. Toni was clearly his world and he had no room in his heart for any other woman in a romantic capacity.

"I'll kill her." Bucky promised coldly, knowing he'd been correct. "I'll bring Winter on her."

"Bucky, please. Not now. We need to take care of Toni." Steve pleaded. "Don't do anything... I have some vacation time. Let's go somewhere."

"Yeah... We'll talk to Toni about it." Bucky agreed, kissing the other brunette's forehead. "Now stop looking like a kicked puppy."

"Sorry." Steve apologized, hiding his face in the back of Toni's hair.

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