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Bruce hesitantly traced the words on his abdomen, gasping softly at the flare of warmth. It relaxed his muscles of his ever present tension and he sighed softly.
"Where are you?" He asked softly in the air. He had been searching while traveling the world, never find his soulmate and he was close to giving up. He sighed once more, feeling worn out again.

"Dr. Banner, are you in need of assistance?" FRIDAY asked politely. She had heard him speak but wasn't sure if he needed something her.

"No, thank you." Bruce responded, making his way to the communal floor and then stopping short at the sight of a pretty brunette girl. It sent a flare of warmth through his body.

"Brucie! Meet Kayla!" Tony grinned widely, looking at his Science Bro who still was frozen.

"Uh. You have nice hair." Bruce said intelligently before smacking himself in the face. 'Really?! You have nice hair?! How dumb am I!?'

"I use tea tree." Kayla snorted, smiling. 'Why is he so cute?'

"Oh fuck me..." Bruce whispered, locking eyes with her. His heart was staying steady thanks to him keeping his breathing slow and even and not letting himself freak.

"Do you guys know each other?" Tony snorted, looking confused. He had a feeling of how they would know each other though.

"We're soulmates. He said my words." Kayla hummed lowly, looking delighted. Her eyes sparkled with happiness.

"And she said mine." Bruce approached slowly, not wanting to scare her. Tony looked between the two with a huge wicked smirk as he registered what he had been right about the connection.

"Why don't you guys go to Bruce's floor and get to know each other?" Tony grinned, shooing them towards the elevator gleefully. They both nodded and entered in the elevator.

"So. You like my hair?" Kayla said conversationally. She wasn't really fond of small talk. It was not one of her skills.

"I couldn't get the words I truly wanted to say out." Bruce admitted. "I thought you're very pretty." He held her hand loosely in case she wanted to pull away.

"Bruce." She smiled, squeezing his hand and stopping in his hallway. Her small hands framed his face, holding him place as she stood on her tiptoes and kissed him softly to show her affection.

"I turn into a Giant, Green rage monster." He warned, squeezing her hips lightly. He had to tell her that right away. It was a massive part of himself.

"I know. I trust you." She wasn't afraid, leaning into him and smiling against his chest. "I'll prove it."

"Thank you." He kissed her forehead in contentment

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