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It's Friday night.

Namjoon feels drained as he parks his car at his apartment. He's regretting having pulled himself into such a hectic schedule and meeting that many people in less than 48 hours. It's not easy for him to take the time off to go all the way to Busan, so he had sort of wanted to take care of everything all at once while he was there, and now his body's paying the price.

The elevator leading up to his apartment seems to take an especially long time as he stares at the red numbers changing steadily. There is a familiar ding, and Namjoon takes a few steps closer to the door, ready to just take a long shower and get some sleep.

Except he sees Wonho standing in front of his apartment. Namjoon briefly wonders if he's missed a text from the man or something. He wouldn't be all that surprised considering how he's kept his phone inside his bag as opposed to inside his pocket. But the bigger question is what Wonho is doing outside. The man knows the numbers to his apartment and could've very well just stayed inside more comfortably.


"Hey you," Wonho greets, his back still against the wall next to Namjoon's door.

"What are you doing outside? How long have you been waiting here?"

"Not that long. I figured you'd be back around now."

"Did you text or something? Sorry, I wasn't paying attention to my phone," Namjoon apologizes, studying Wonho to check if the man's lying or not. His apartment building may be well-insulated and well-heated, but it's still a bit chilly where they're standing.

"Yeah, I figured you'd be driving."

"You coming in?" Namjoon asks as he punches in the numbers into the keypad in front of him. There is a faint whirl and a beep, signalling that the door's been unlocked. He pushes it open and waits patiently for Wonho's answer.

"....Yeah just for a little bit," Wonho replies after a while, and Namjoon doesn't miss the hint of something akin to sadness in the other man's eyes. Namjoon pushes past the door and waits for Wonho to enter the apartment as well before closing the door behind him. He doesn't say anything until they are both standing in the living room.

"Is everything OK?" Namjoon asks gently when Wonho doesn't make a move to initiate an imminent conversation. Something's clearly on the other man's mind, and Namjoon hates seeing that look on his face. Wonho shifts slightly, his usual confidence suddenly gone from his system.

"I came here to talk to you about something."

".....What is it?"

"Jimin's going on an overnight trip with his boyfriend tomorrow," Wonho starts, and Namjoon, while not at all surprised that Wonho knows, is surprised that this is all coming from the other man. Actually, where is this even coming from? Namjoon says nothing as he just watches Wonho, silently urging the man to continue and maybe provide some kind of an explanation as to why they are about to discuss the damn overnight trip Namjoon's been trying very hard to wipe from his memory.

Because now it sounds like Jimin's made things up with Mingyu, and that's the last thing he needs confirmed right now.

"Well?" Wonho questions with a small frown instead, and that catches the bar owner completely off guard.

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