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Jimin is back in the bar the next day, one side of his face swollen and purpling. All the staff member have been notified of the biggest bitch slap to happen in Bulletproof since Taehyung's ex came in and slapped the bartender solidly across the face last year. None of the employees talk about Jimin's face in front of the man, and Jimin doesn't really make an effort to discuss it either. His face hurts, but it's not bad enough that he has to miss work. Plus, Hoseok got him some ointment for the bruising, so that's something.

"Have you been dating MMA fighters or something?" Hoseok asks playfully from besides Namjoon as he watches Jimin rushing from table to table, cleaning everything up.

"Shut up," Namjoon answers gruffly. He still hasn't completely gotten over the fact that someone was hurt because of his sexual endeavors, especially when it feels completely out of the blue. It's not like he ever led anyone on. All of his partners knew exactly what they are signing up for and Namjoon made sure to not give anyone false hope.

"But seriously. Man, someone must've meant business," the manager continues to ponder out loud, leaning against the wall behind him. "You think anyone else is going to try something now that you two are strangely an item?" Hoseok asks, putting air quotations around the word "item."

Namjoon only shrugs in response. He really doesn't want to think about this particular issue right now. He's too busy dealing with his guilt every time the smaller man walks by with the bruised face and trying to figure out why it is that Jimin is the way he is around him.

Jimin spots the two men from across the bar and waves his hand slowly in a silent "hello." Hoseok smiles and waves back, while Namjoon nods back curtly in acknowledgment.

"I like that kid," Hoseok comments idly, a smile still playing on his lips. "Don't hurt him, Kim Namjoon." With those words, Hoseok walks off, leaving a baffled bar owner behind.


Jimin does go on another date with Jaebum. The man's charming as always, with a grin that has girls tripping over their own feet as they walk by. Jimin quickly finds himself becoming increasingly self-conscious, which has him stuttering and babbling like an idiot until he physically makes the effort to shut his own mouth up and keep it that way. If Jaebum notices the sudden changes, he doesn't give Jimin any indication that he does, and eventually, Jimin falls into a more comfortable pattern of conversing with his date with relative ease.

"So my friends are holding a party tonight and I was wondering if you want to come with," Jaebum says as soon as they are finished with dinner. Jimin stares at the empty plate in front of him, sudden feeling nervous again. He wonders what would be the polite thing to do. If Jaebum is asking him to accompany him, it's probably more acceptable to say yes, but then again, what if Jaebum is doing this out of courtesy? What if Jaebum wants to go to the party but not with him? Should he say no and then make up some excuse about not feeling so well and go home?

"Hey, you feelin' alright?" Jaebum asks with a small frown once he realizes the blank look on the other man's face. Jimin looks up and flashes a sheepish grin before nodding. "If you don't want to go, that's fine, but Jackson throws amazing parties."

"Um...I haven't-" Jimin begins, intending to tell his date that he has never been to a party. However, he stops himself, because what kind of loser has never been to a party, right? And he can't be that loser. Not in front of his date. "I mean, yeah, that sounds good. I'll go," Jimin finishes instead, hoping that the false bravado isn't too obvious. He's glad to see Jaebum's lips stretch into a toothy grin, revealing a perfect set of white teeth.

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