"So, what—what am I doing here Mr. Stark?" The boy stutters, I can sense his nervousness from here. That kid needs to chill out. What is so scary about Tony. He is like a teddy bear.

"I made you a new suit." His eyes light up, very brown, bright eyes. Tony smiles down at him. "I had some help, so I can't take all the credit. Happy, why don't you and May go up to the bar? Maybe make me a drink too?"

Happy rolls his own eyes, then takes the woman by the hand and pulls her out of the elevator. Her name is May. His name is Happy. Happy. May. Both very unusual names.

The doors close again and Tony starts talking again. "I need you to test out the suit before it becomes yours. We need to make sure nothing malfunctions while you're using it." My eye cameras zoom in a bit on Peter. I can't help it, his eyes so just so fascinating. Tony notices the camera shutter a couple times, I've been caught in the act. "Y/N, I know you're watching." The camera zooms back out and I jump out of the security cameras. Just my luck.

A couple moments later, Tony and Spider-Man appear on the other side of the glass doors. I can see the boy's eyes widen again. Tony smacks his back right before entering the lab.

"Peter Parker, this is Y/N."

He stands still, very still. Eventually his arms raises to point at me, but his mouth to continues to flap like a fish. "I—I thought . . . this is . . . what?"

Not this again. People can't seem to comprehend me. From a far away distance, I look normal, but the closer someone gets, you can see the metal parts of my joints and glossy eyes. Peter must be very good at picking up small details on a person.

"Peter Parker, this is my daughter, Y/N. I created her a couple years ago and I recently brought her to life. Her and Friday control the compound, mostly Y/N. I'm letting Friday take a couple days off from controlling the compound." Tony pushes Peter towards the me. His little cheeks are very red. At last, they stop in front of me and the new suit. By judging his figure, it looks like I made the suit just the right size. "She helped build the suit as well."

"Mr. Stark, I think I have a crush."


His little tongue that pokes out of the side of his mouth makes me laugh. Peter is so focused on creating a special chip for me to feel emotional. I see people with emotions all the time. Bruce cries a lot during movies. Steve is always smiling. Bucky looks mad ninety percent of the day. Emotions are so interesting.

"Okay, I hope this does something. If not, we can work on it tomorrow and call it a day. You look tired." Peter holds the small chip in his hand and a screw driver in the other. In some cases, this looks like something might crazy happen. This isn't crazy.

"I do not sleep, I recharge my batteries." I state to Peter, who seems to be lightly laughing at me. I'm so embarrassing. I can't even talk like a normal human.

Enough of my sob story. I lean my neck down in my charge, ready for Peter to mess with my design. Usually, I'm not one for people touching my private parts.

His very warm hands touch the back of my neck, then begin to unscrew my neck plate. It tickles. The back of my neck pop opens and I feel Peter slide the chip into my design area. He screws it closed, and sits in front of me on one of Tony's chairs.

"How do you feel?"

Something in my head snaps. I stare back at Peter and his big brown eyes again, but also admire the curly hair that is sticking to his forehead. This is a very pretty face.

"You have a pretty face."

My comment makes Peter turn red again, just like the day I met him. Such a strange feature.

Peter coughs, "you—you look pretty too."

"Thank you," I tell Peter with a big smile on my face. A smile appears on his face too. Then, he starts moving closer to me. Really close. What is he doing? He's holding me hostage. Both arms are wrapped around my arms and I am unable to move. "What is this?"

His head lifts up to look straight at me. "Does Mr. Stark not hug you?" Hug: to wrap arms with someone. I don't wrap arms with people. Tony and I usually high five or fist bump each other. Peter takes his arms, and moves mine to wrap around him. This feels nice. "This is how you do a hug."

I wrap my arms further, almost squeezing Peter in between my arms. Peter continues to rest his head on my shoulder, it feels nice their too. Everything about him feels nice.

My brain is going into overdrive, I can feel it. Everything in my head is going a hundred miles per minute. I don't realize it, but my head leans down to touch his head, then my lips behind to lightly graze his curly hair. I don't even know what I'm doing at this point. My emotions are everywhere.

"I really like you, Y/N."

"I—I think I like you too, Peter."

Tom Holland Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें